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Website blocking - tracking the cause of blocked spontaneous attempts to connect to websites

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I am not sure that I understand what is going on when there is incoming connection that is blocked. Enlightenment would be appreciated. My windows firewall is enabled.

So far as outgoing connections are concerned, I get a number of blocked 'outgoing' connections that my computer spontaneously has attempted to make to places such as Islamabad, Moldova and the Ukraine, where I have no business. I have copied a log below. I should like to have control over outgoing information the sending of which might be prompted by spyware, but all 3rd party firewalls that I have tried out interfere too much with the running of my system. The feature in MBAM that appears to block such connections, at least to known bad sites, is of great interest.

Is there any way to track down what program on my computer is attempting to make the outgoing connections? Could such a function be added to MBAM?

I seem to recall that there was monitoring of outgoing connections in terms of the program making the connection in Online Armor, but something in Online Armor was causing blue screens, so I had to abandon it.

00:29:37 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

00:29:40 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

00:29:47 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

00:33:48 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

00:33:51 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

00:33:57 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

14:19:29 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

14:19:31 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

14:19:35 Tom IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing)

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Hi John A,

Thanks for that.

I suppose that there is not much incentive for MBAMprovide a means to identify the program that is attempting to make a connection to a malicious site if it already does so for more modern operating systems, but since I am not about to rush into rebuilding my XP system, I wonder whether there is some way of tracking it down, perhaps through using some other application that will monitor what applications attempt to make connections. I have tried to find such an application, but have never found one except the rather basic functionality in that behalf in Online Armor, which caused crash/bsod problems.

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  • Root Admin

There is also WireShark but it's not an easy program for many to decipher the output.

You could also install a firewall product that monitors both incoming and outgoing ports as the one on XP only monitors incoming but does not log it very well like full firewall products do.

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