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Hey, I saw in a post I made earlier that efforts were being made to legitimize the site and whatnot. So when may I expect to see a new one rolled out ;)?

This is a very minor suggestion and I know you're very busy keeping up on all the new threats!

Thanks :)

As far as I know, THIS site has ALWAYS been legitimate.

(I am not affiliated with Malwarebytes except as a satisfied paying licensee of MBAMPro)


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Well I think I worded it wrong. I have NO issues with the program MBAM, as I have a paid version and LOVE it!! I am merely trying to help from a business standpoint -- people like you and I know it is a legit program, but I know that it might seem like just another random security program to other people. I am suggesting that measures be taken to legitimize the site in some way, and this could be as simple as a graphical make over or something. For example, the Microsoft Windows site isn't that loaded with graphical stuff, but you just get a secure feeling from being on it (and it is NOT just because I know Microsoft, its the layout and stuff like this as well).

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Glad to here. ;) "Proven to thoroughly detect and remove even the most advanced malware." Looks sort of rogue with only a statement and not much background or something to back it up. Many rogue sites have these claims so it doesn't really stick out. I suggest listing some awards with links to them so you have something credible. :) Also adding testimonials and maybe companies that use MBAM and their thoughts. :)

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Eh, I don't think it sounds rogue-ish. It does not have the appearance of a knock-off of a legit software program whatsoever, isn't misspelled/has misspellings/poor grammar everywhere, or any of the other weird/off things that you usually find on rogue sites or on rogues themselves.

However, testimonials and/or awards would definitely be a good thing on the site I think ;)

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Again, the Symantec website for their Norton products is a good example. It's not packed with stuff, but has a very professional feel to it. Its not so much the content of the current MBAM site as it is the layout (in my opinion) -- this is not to say that the content shouldn't be updated/added to as well, cuz it should.

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The website looks OK to me but imo the MBAM interface looks a bit old fashion.

(Especialy when you compare it to the website layout)

It's easy to use though. But a newer look would be great or a changeable

layout with some selectable themes.

If you work on a Win 7 computer MBAM looks like a Win98 application...

(Don't take it personaly, it's just MY opinion :) )

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