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I'm not a good photographer......


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and usually forget to use my camera until too late.

One day a few years back during a fishing trip i took a break and was climbing around on and enjoying the beauty of this little island which lies on the edge of the open Pacific. I finally climbed back in the boat and as i pulled away it struck me that this made a fine picture, something i do not do often enough.

So, some time later i was going through my pics and looked at this one full size, thinking that i had taken a rare (for me) goodun. Then i did a double take! I had climbed up and stood right on this guys hair and didn't even see him!

Can you see him?


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Good grief Goldhound, don't you dare say that you aren't a good photographer again, that picture is STUNNING! :lol:

Thank you for sharing :lol:

What are you talking about though, a person or an animal??

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I had to zoom it to 200% to see him Wayne.. Looks like a guy with a mid-afro stuck in there. Without the dead branch hint I would have never found him. :lol:


Bingo Steve! Once you see it you never miss it again. I have been back there several times and could hardly see it until the light was just right then it stands out.

Haider, i know that the rock next to it is also suggestive and misleads folks.

That is a very remote and wild area of often very rough seas but awesome Salmon and Halibut fishing along with Whales and Dolphins.

On the same trip next day this American dude tried to steal our bait and got tangled in the line, we hauled in a very wet and oddly calm thief, used the side cutters and set him loose. He sat there for a couple minutes after, looking disdainfully at us then flew off but came back and tried again so we had to move, dang Yankees! :lol::lol:



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You're most welcome Wayne :lol:

I am still confused if it's a person or an animal you are talking about but I see the location that they are at in Haider's post.

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You're most welcome Wayne :lol:

I am still confused if it's a person or an animal you are talking about but I see the location that they are at in Haider's post.

Haider's post is wrong.. As Wayne already said.. Look straight out the length of the dead branch pointing right to HIM.. (that was a hint) If you have ZOOM toolbar 0.9 installed on your Firefox you can zoom it to 200% and get a clearer indication.. :lol:


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Well maybe post a copy of the ORIGINAL size would make it much easier for all of us :lol:


If you meant the photo, i am very challenged at working with photos, no real interest. I have had an expensive photoshop program for years and gave up trying to use it. For me SnaGit does all that my limited experience needs.

I transferred it from my pictures to photobucket after resizing for the net, dunno how to go back to original size. Will try SnaGit to outline the spot and post later.


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  • Root Admin

Hi Wayne,

No Photoshop or other needed. Just take the original file in your My Pictures and upload it to a site that supports large files and it should then post just fine.

Example photo is actually reduced way down in size from about 5MB to 209K but your image is reduced way too much by SnagIt


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  • Root Admin

Sorry.. gave you the wrong Firefox add-on for images and zooming them..

This is the correct one:


Sorry for the misinformation. :lol:


Just press the CTRL and + key to zoom in. Then CTRL-0 to go back to normal. No resource hogging add-on required.

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Just press the CTRL and + key to zoom in. Then CTRL-0 to go back to normal. No resource hogging add-on required.

The add-on does more than that Ron.. :lol: I don't usually advocate add-ons that don't add to the positive experience of web voyaging.. :lol:

BTW; EXCELLENT sequence timing of the two animated GIFs ( http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=342218 )- that's not as easy as you make it look.


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