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Can't remove office 03


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I have open office and am trying to remove microsoft office 2003 pro which was a bootleg put on by the guy who set up the comp for me . When I try to run the uninstaller I get " the patch package could not be opened " message .

I tried Revo uninstaller and iobituninstaller but even when I used forced uninstaller mode they still try to use the windows uninstaller .

How can I remove this ??????

Thank you for your time .

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My comp.

Mainboard : MSI Gamila/Giovani/Neon series

Chipset : Intel i845G

Processor : Intel Celeron D 325 @ 2533 MHz

Physical Memory : 1024 MB (2 x 512 DDR-SDRAM )

Video Card : RADEON 9200 SERIES

Hard Disk : HDS728080PLAT20 (80 GB)



Monitor Type : Envision Envision EFT - 18 inches

Network Card : RTL8139/810x Fast Ethernet Adapter

Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service Pack 3

DirectX : Version 9.0c (October 2008)

I'm running

comodo sec. suite

win patrol

spyware blaster

autorun eater

I scan regularly with malwarebytes , comodo , spybot search -n- destroy , startuplite , wbdc

I use these cleaners periodicly , ccleaner , privacymantra , glaryutilities , atfcleaner

I update everything regularly

There is no error code it just says the following

" the patch package could not be opened . verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it , or contact the vendor to verify that this is a valid windows installer patch package "

The only other program I'm having trouble removing is Trendmicro RUBotted I keep getting the

set up exec has encountered a problem and needs to close window

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Hi skybane :)

Try this:

1. Reboot into safe mode.

2. Rerun Revo Uninstaller and this time use the advanced method.

3. In safe mode you may get a warning saying Windows Installer can't run in safe mode or similar popup which is fine. Ignore it by clicking okay and click next on revo.

4. Revo will then search out the registry/disk for remaining files. Delete all the registry keys and files left and click finish.

There may be some folders left you have to delete.:)

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