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Signature Updates

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Greetings, I live in the country on a slow dial-up modem connection. Downloads are extremely slow.

I'd like to know if I can access/download the signature updates and program updates (ie: while at work on hi-speed connection)

& save them on a memory stick, so I can install them off-line at my home in the country.

I couldn`t find a link on the Malwarebytes` web sight. (accept to major geeks for the program).


Mike D

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Hello and :lol:

Manual Update of Definition Database

If you cannot update the database to the latest version within the MBAM window, you may follow the instructions below and update it manually:

ISSUE: I need to get the latest database onto a computer that cannot access the Internet.

SOLUTION: You can manually copy the database from a working computer using a flash drive or CD onto the infected PC. Our database file is stored in the following locations.

  • Windows XP and 2000
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7:
  • C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref

You can also download a manual update from HERE -

***NOTE: This manual update will always be way behind in version level compared to updates from within the program.

**NOTE: Please note though that this should be a last resort and if at all possible you should attempt to download updates from within the program.

Once the system is clean and stable again you should update again from within the program.

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Hello M Dolson: :lol:

Though the recommended method of update is from within program, however, if you can find a system with identical OS that has MBAM installed then after updating at office you can copy rules.ref and paste it at home

You may also use gt500.org to download definitions, however, they maybe a week or more behind

Should you have any other question(s) please post back using MXyBj.png button

Reason: Please follow Post #2 by Firefox

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Hi -

If you click on the "Malwarebytes.org" words under the Malwarebytes circular emblem at the top left of the page , you will find a link to the program -

This is often from other download mirror sites - If you can access this at work and load it to a CD or similar -

I am not sure how much quicker this loads compared to other links , but it may be worth a try -

As per Firefox , you will never be up to date unless you can use the Update Tab on the program -

The only other idea is to contact your ISP and see if they have a Download Accelerator as part of their program -

Thank You -

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