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SP3 Woes

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Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. Please move it if required.

I have used MalwareBytes Anti-Malware for a few weeks now and have come to rely on it. I am still using the freeware versions atm and scan regularly. I update the program every day or so and the version I have now is 1.28 with the latest database.

About a day ago Microsoft Update wanted to SP3 my XP Pro. I had misgivings but I hate being nagged, so I did it. Now Windows firewall no longer recognises ZoneAlarm as a registered firewall and I've had to turn off the detection. More seriously, system scans (deep or fast) by Anti-Malware result in a consistent BSOD. On reboot Windows does an integrity check of my C: partition (which is Windows only). I guess this means an SP3 replacement system file is the culprit. Of course a serious malware infection might cause the same symptoms!

Obviously I haven't posted any detail here. If you want to look further at this problem, please let me know what logs or other info you would like.

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  • Root Admin

Well I could be wrong but I don't think it is the SP3 alone. I think it is some other recent update from Microsoft as I've seen some other system that keep BSOD from running different programs that used to work well.

Also if you have Symantec AV then there was a known issue with that, but I believe that was already addressed by MS.

You should be able to go into your Control Panel and disable the built-in Firewall and then go back and enable the ZoneAlarm.

Microsoft gets tons of crashes submitted to them daily so hopefully they'll find the issue and correct it soon. I would try to track it down, but I don't have access to the 2 systems I've seen it on anymore.

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Well I could be wrong but I don't think it is the SP3 alone. I think it is some other recent update from Microsoft as I've seen some other system that keep BSOD from running different programs that used to work well.

Also if you have Symantec AV then there was a known issue with that, but I believe that was already addressed by MS.

You should be able to go into your Control Panel and disable the built-in Firewall and then go back and enable the ZoneAlarm.

Microsoft gets tons of crashes submitted to them daily so hopefully they'll find the issue and correct it soon. I would try to track it down, but I don't have access to the 2 systems I've seen it on anymore.

Thanks for the prompt reply. ZoneAlarm runs but Windows Firewall doesn't recognise it as a registered firewall now. I am much more concerned about the inability of Anti-Malware to complete a scan. I will try uninstalling SP3 and see if the result lets Anti-Malware through a full scan. If not, or if uninstalling SP3 scrambles my system, I'll rollback to my last image (which unfortunately was dumped about a month ago - as usual :angry: )

No Symantec on this machine. I did have an update recently clobber ZoneAlarm to the extent that no Internet access was possible, but a more recent version of ZA fixed that. It's too easy to criticise Microsoft, but these days it seems you can either have an up-to-date system or a working one.

Thanks again,


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I uninstalled SP3, successfully it seems.

I ran three Anti-Malware scans - Quick >> Full >> Reboot >> Quick - without problem.

I wish I could point to the component in SP3 that caused the problem but it's not possible with an AIO update.

However, the symptoms included mouse locking up, poor or no window dragging, partial window repaints and BSOD at different points.

Those seem to indicate Anti-Malware battling a process in memory.

No more SP3 for me.



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I have SP3 on all 3 of my systems without problems.

I would not use ZoneAlarm even if you payed me to use it and as I am on fixed pension I could use the money.

Please watch the 10 minute video by a Malwarbytes developer:


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I am not posting here about ZoneAlarm or canvassing opinion on freeware firewalls. You wouldn't touch ZoneAlarm; I probably wouldn't touch what you run. The ZoneAlarm problem is that SP3 won't recognise it as a registered firewall substitute. It's irrelevant.

I ran Anti-Malware successfully until I installed SP3. After I did so, no scan would complete without a BSOD (with or without ZoneAlarm running). I uninstalled SP3 and it works fine again (with or without ZoneAlarm running).


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Well, it seems I owe an apology to all above. I've just spent a precious Sunday digging a software hole for myself that I can't climb out of. Summary:

1. More problems - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware hangs and/or BSODs again, vsmon crashes at boot up.

2. I uninstall ZoneAlarm according to


3. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware still hangs and/or BSODs (SP2, no 3rd party firewall).

4. I decide to SP3 again, without a firewall (by now I'm convinced I'll have to restore to an early image, so wtf).

5. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware hangs and/or BSODs. I write off Anti-Malware.

6. I need a firewall so I try to install Comodo, agree to a scan and it hangs at _DEFAULT.PIF. I abort the scan but

the installer does not continue (the process is running in memory but no GUI) - infantile installer. I reboot.

7. I try to finish the Comodo installation but it crashes.

8. I restore the system to pre-Comodo installation and the Comodo installer runs again (but no scan this time, thank


9. Comodo works fine but the Windows Update app does not respond and Internet Explorer 7 crashes (I normally use

FireFox 3).

10. I uninstall Comodo but still no Windows Update and IE7 still crashes.

The status quo is now SP3, no 3rd party firewall, no Anti-Malware, no IE7 and no Windows Update. And to rub salt into wounds I cannot access Safe Mode. Am I having fun yet? Not really. Conclusion - I need therapy, a witch doctor and/or a new machine.

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Well, it seems I owe an apology to all above. I've just spent a precious Sunday digging a software hole for myself that I can't climb out of. Summary:

1. More problems - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware hangs and/or BSODs again, vsmon crashes at boot up.

2. I uninstall ZoneAlarm according to


3. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware still hangs and/or BSODs (SP2, no 3rd party firewall).

4. I decide to SP3 again, without a firewall (by now I'm convinced I'll have to restore to an early image, so wtf).

5. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware hangs and/or BSODs. I write off Anti-Malware.

6. I need a firewall so I try to install Comodo, agree to a scan and it hangs at _DEFAULT.PIF. I abort the scan but

the installer does not continue (the process is running in memory but no GUI) - infantile installer. I reboot.

7. I try to finish the Comodo installation but it crashes.

8. I restore the system to pre-Comodo installation and the Comodo installer runs again (but no scan this time, thank


9. Comodo works fine but the Windows Update app does not respond and Internet Explorer 7 crashes (I normally use

FireFox 3).

10. I uninstall Comodo but still no Windows Update and IE7 still crashes.

The status quo is now SP3, no 3rd party firewall, no Anti-Malware, no IE7 and no Windows Update. And to rub salt into wounds I cannot access Safe Mode. Am I having fun yet? Not really. Conclusion - I need therapy, a witch doctor and/or a new machine.

Sounds like it's time for a reformat/reload. Normally I'd never recommend such drastic measures, but.. what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound at this point.

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Sounds like it's time for a reformat/reload. Normally I'd never recommend such drastic measures, but.. what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound at this point.


Plan A - restore to an image about a month old (but I wonder how my cranky system will take to a Linux boot disk)

Plan B - reinstall Windows (XP with Sata :angry: )

Thanks for listening. If anything relevant to Anti-Malware is lurking in this tale of woe, it is probably that running AM is a good litmus test for the health of a system. But that's probably to be expected, given what it does. It's a great product, I just wish I could run it :lol:

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