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Malwarebytes chat room

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Guest garybear

Hi! I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box, and I'm new to the forum but; from what I have observed, the majority of topics deal with malware and nasties, and that's the way it should be. That's what Malwarebytes is for. I have no knowledge of how to deal with these things, and so I'm limited to where I can post. I have posted new topics where I think they should go. I haven't gotten much response, but maybe no one thinks they are very interesting. I think I have some thing to give to the forum, but really don't know where to post them. Maybe if the forum had a special place for off topics, more people could get involved and ideas could be exchanged. There would have to be rules of course, but we could pick each others brains. It could be a less formal place to gather and talk computer talk!! PS I know I'm to windy and I don't keep my posts short and to the point. I'll try yo do better!


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May I get some liberty to suggest Speech Recognition software, you'd be at par, maybe even able to beat everyone :)

Well... I am a fast talker, for sure.. Unfortunately, along with my slow typing I'm also a slow thinker. So therein lies the fly in the ointment. :)

But; that was a good suggestion - thanks! :)


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For everyone who is not familiar with IRC: a chat channel isn't the same thing as a forum; its more about socializing and less about problem solving. Usually people who ask for help in a forum related IRC channel are referred to the appropriate cleaning guide, forum, and so on.

It is just a personal preference; some like it, others don't. :)

Basically an instant messenger where you can chat with multiple people in real-time without their email address, username or whatever.:)

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Guest garybear

Ok! But it seems to get cluttered up with topics not related to computers. I haven't seen much interest there.If we had a place for just computer talk, was what I was suggesting. General chat covers a lot of territory. I would like a place just for computer talk. Just my thoughts. Thanks for your post Haider

Hello garybear:

General Chat is for this purpose! :)

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Ok! But it seems to get cluttered up with topics not related to computers. I haven't seen much interest there.If we had a place for just computer talk, was what I was suggesting. General chat covers a lot of territory. I would like a place just for computer talk. Just my thoughts. Thanks for your post Haider

That's why there's the PC Help section. :)


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Guest garybear

Hello ShyWriter. I'll check PC Help out. Thank you!! I posted this topic, but got no responses. I know you all know how important a back up of your OS is, but does every one. If you don't have back up, lots of luck when your drive dies. Sorry I'm off topic. Back on topic; just look at how much attention this topic created. People are hungry to talk about some thing besides Malware ;) That's MHO!

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I posted this topic, but got no responses.

Well, you've just posted your question today, so bear in mind that you're not always going to get a reply right away. ;)

There are lots of volunteers and staff members on the forum as well, so in all likelihood someone will be able to answer your question, although it could take some time.

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@ garybear -

You may not get a lot of answers to the item you posted , as it is more of a statement , rather than a question -

The situation/subject you proposed is more of a solution rather than a question -

I do not think it requires an answer , maybe a comment , but it is not a problem you are having -

Regards -



This section is for polite and thoughtful debate on potentially controversial topics. There will be no flaming, swearing, or cursing. Anyone not following these simple rules will, without notice, have their posts immediately removed.

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Guest garybear

Hello! I understand what everyone is saying, and I agree that I did not have a question, and so no response was necessary. I guess I'm so dedicated to wanting people not only to be well protected while surfing the net, but also to be ready when some thing unexpected happens and a fast recovery is desired. I was trying to tie all this together but I have gotten off topic. I'm sorry and will get down off my stump. Back ups is my specialty. This is a Malware forum and I need to realize that! Thanks for all your responses. I understand, and I know I'm off topic , but felt the need to respond to those that took time to respond to me. Thank you!


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I personally feel that there was nothing wrong with your post and that performing a regular backup of ones files and/or harddrive is definitely a good practice to get into!!

It does not hurt to post an informational topic like you did - many people, registered members and guests alike - browse the forums here so your topic is bound to help someone in need.

The PC Help forum was an appropriate place for your post, and the forum isn't JUST about malware removal (although that and tech support is the forums main focus), that's why there's a PC Help section, a software updates section, a security section, etc...


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Guest garybear

Wow!! Thank you. You just made my day friend. I love sharing my little bit of knowledge with others. :)


I personally feel that there was nothing wrong with your post and that performing a regular backup of ones files and/or harddrive is definitely a good practice to get into!!

It does not hurt to post an informational topic like you did - many people, registered members and guests alike - browse the forums here so your topic is bound to help someone in need.

The PC Help forum was an appropriate place for your post, and the forum isn't JUST about malware removal (although that and tech support is the forums main focus), that's why there's a PC Help section, a software updates section, a security section, etc...


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ok everyone,

if they really do make a chat room and there seems to be alot of people in it, 2 or 3 mods cant always be there to watch the chat room the whole time. the other ranks should also have some control since they have been on the forum for a while now and are trusted. so if people do start being racist, swearing, and all those other things, theres always gonna be some trusted members of MBAM to get rid of them. :P

And I don't think that it should be only a simple chat room, there should be different parts, to ask questions, random, and malware discussion.

And the general chat thing already on the forum isn't really a "chat room"

And the reason i get board is that some times it kinda gets boring how there isn't much members online, usually around 30? and it isn't real time talk, I don't wanna wait for 30 minutes or a couple of hours just for a reply on a simple question.

And how come this topic got soo many replies so fast and still the MBAM staff didn't look at it?

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