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DirectX 9.0c


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No problem, I'm sure one of the admins or mods will get it. We've had an issue with the forum lately where it stays on the reply page as though a post had not been made yet where it in fact had, causing these duplicate posts to show up a lot when users click the button more than once thinking it didn't go through the first time.

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Direct X 11 has recently been released

EDIT: Well; somehow I have the WebDownLoader installed and it downloaded 150 megs of direct x files going from 2005 to current day.. I don't think I ever GOT to Kansas.. :)

IF you are ever interested in your version of Direct X:


Edited by ShyWriter
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Hi Shy -

Just found it myself as I read exiles post - I thought I would check mine (not set to load Auto for Direct X) -

Then I found it had an update in June so I loaded that -

EDIT - I just meant I upgraded my existing DX - The load for DX11 is only for later Windows users -

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@exile360: Thanks for the info Sam - I didn't have a clue... (sigh; I rarely do.. :))

@noknojon: Jon; you and me both. Learn something new every day, I guess. *grin*

EDIT: If Redmon's servers ever get nuked I have the complete DirectX library on my HD for a backup.. SDK too.. Oy vey! :)


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If you have 7 or Vista it will update your DX9 files

There was one claim on one site that DX 11 can be run on XP but it has an infection in it so do not try it - :)

I have listed this in the propper area of the forum -

I wrongly stated that DX 11 is available and should have only said FOR LATER Versions of Windows - :)

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Yeah, it's not compatible. I'm sure if MS wanted to go through the trouble, they could back-port it to make it compatible, but all the claims I've seen thus far of being able to hack it to work on XP by users have been false.

Speaking of back-porting; anyone know of the forward-porting of the XP PowerToys to Vista? All I care about is the SENDTO: toy that included ANY FOLDER (and has the browse function to look for a folder to send it to) as a selection.


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I did some quick googling and this might suit your needs :).

I checked it out and it seems legit (it even comes recommended by an MS MVP :)). I also found some pretty positive feedback and more advanced info (silent install options etc, I'm assuming for slipstreaming etc) on one of my favorite, most trusted sites MSFN.

I downloaded it and installed it but it doesn't show in the CONTROL PANEL and I can't seem to make it work; there's no uninstall.. It may be because I'm using a non-MS file manager or the settings I used in Online Armor when I installed it. I'll have to see what's going on after a sleep cycle. :) I do see the positive comments from MFSN so I haven't given up. :)

Thank you for finding that for me. :) :)

EDIT: It's xplorer

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