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Vista UAC


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Has anyone experienced problems with Vista UAC. When I have it enabled Rogue Remover Pro will not update successfully there is no UAC warning window when I have it disabled I have no problems with Rogue remover Pro updates. I am the only one who uses the computer and all permissions are correctly set.

Regards from Down Under

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Hi nwarp and welcome to Malwarebytes. From Marcin he says you need to run as an administrator to do the updates.

As far as I can see I have myself set up as administrator. I'm the only person who uses the computer in control panel user accounts I'm shown as administror. There is a guest account which is set to off. Should I have some other setting in place ?


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  • Root Admin

Even though you are the administrator, UAC is set up to not allow any program to run with administrator privileges unless given permission to. By right clicking and selecting Run as Administrator, you allow the program these permissions which it needs to update.

Hope that clears it up :lol:.

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Yes your account has Admin rights but not for everything. The Administrator account for Vista is disabled by default in order to help protect your system just as the UAC is there to help protect the system.

Thankyou for the comments. I'll see what happens next time there is an update for RR Pro.

Regards from Downunder

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Easiest way to solve this is to set RR to always run requesting administrative privileges - Right click shortcut (or, optionally, the actual program itself in C:\Program Files\ and select Properties. Now, go to the compatibility tab and check "Always run as administrator."

Now, RR will run with admin privileges, and even if you turn UAC off it will still have the necessary privileges to update.

However, I also must say this:

***Do not turn off UAC*** - it is there for a reason and if you find it annoying, then you're either doing something incorrectly, or else you have entirely too many applications that require administrative privileges on a daily basis....

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