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Runtime error 372 COMCTL32.OCX

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Dear all,

On yesterday's issue of Micro Hebdo (French magazine) they advise to install Malwarebyte.

The installation itself is OK. But when I want to run it, I get the message: "Run-time error '372': Failed to load control 'ImageList' from COMCTL32.OCX. Your version of COMCTL32.OCX may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application".

I have XP SP2 on a Medion laptop. Installation file just says mbam-setup.exe, no version#. I can't check the version in About, as I can't even load the program.

Any idea?

Thank you,


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On yesterday's issue of Micro Hebdo (French magazine) they advise to install Malwarebyte.

Since you originally submitted your support request through the "Contact Me" form at GT500.org I am a bit curious, did they list GT500.org as the website to download from?

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Advanced, thank you! I do so and post result.

GT500, I am not sure I exactly see your point. If it is related to the mention to Malwarebytes in Micro Hebdo, here is the translation of what they say, does that answer your question?

Q: CrypXed3 makes a mess. I have it on my machine and cannot get rid of it! Avast don't detect it, and neither AdAware nor Spybot. It's via securiser.com that it was detected. And I have lots of pop-up windows displayed!

A: I believe it's the spyware CryptExeD3. To get rid of it, use Malwarebytes' anti-malware, download it at http://malwarebytes.gt500.org/mbam-setup.exe. Install this protection. This software is in French. On the home window click Execute a complete exam, and then Search. Suppress the objects found, and restart the PC.

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GT500, I am not sure I exactly see your point. If it is related to the mention to Malwarebytes in Micro Hebdo, here is the translation of what they say, does that answer your question?

Yes, it does answer my question.

I'm a bit surprised that a French magazine is recomending my website as the download location for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, but I guess if any of the staff are Opera users, then they might already be familiar with GT500.org...

Note that there's no problem with them recomending my site for downloading Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, as it is an official mirror.

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Dear Advanced, sorry for delays answering, I don't connect everyday. Bingo, I have .Net V1.1 installed. Thank you!

How do I upgrade? I am always shy to connect to the M$ site.

Which brings a side question: Would I have get the automatic .Net upgrade to V2, should I have accepted M$ automatic Windows updates? Thus, I never do any update to my XP. Since you are into computer security, I can tell you that I am paranoid with any kind of automatic software updates. As far as M$ is concerned, I am almost persuaded that M$'s upgrades are never ever "free". That they pick-up all kinds of information about my computer and its contents, and they link that to my PC's serial#, my IP address, to say the least. That they certainly "blacklist" me as I have lots of free softwares on my machine. And God knows what they can do with all that.


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Quick Solution. It's the full .NET 2.0 installer. Just download and run. No need to connect to Windows Update.

You can also use AutoPatcher to install updates if you are afraid to connect to Microsoft Update. AutoPatcher is capable of installing all of the .NET Frameworks as well. It's not meant to be a replacement for Automatic Updates, or even the Windows Update site, but it can work that way. The purpose of AutoPatcher is to allow you to download all of the updates since the last service pack at once, and then copy them to a flash drive or CD so that you can use AutoPatcher to batch-install them on a computer that does not have a broadband connection.

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Thanks for the advices but... all failed, still "Error 372". What I did:

- download .Net V2,

- uninstall .Net V1.1 and all its components (French language pack, Hotspot...),

- uninstall MWB,

- power off/power on,

- install .Net V2 (successful),

- in the DOS window I entered 'regsvr32 comctl32.ocx', got message "DllRegisterServer in comctl32.ocx successful",

- install MWB,

- try run MWB, get message "Error 372".

Oh, last thing: I installed MWB on an other machine with WinXPPro, worked right away. But on my WinXP SP2 Family edition Version 2002, zilch.


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According to Marcin the program Malwarebytes does not require the .NET framework - I didn't think so but didn't have any system to check that with right now.

Wait, maybe it was MS-Visual C++ that was used for the GUI. I assume it was version 2005. Anyway, you can get the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable, and if that doesn't work you can try Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable. Make sure to uninstall Malwarebytes before installing either of those, and then reinstall Malwarebytes after installing at least the 2005 SP1 version.

I don't know if that will help or not, but it's the best suggestion I have without input from Marcin.

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Folks, thanks for thinking of it. But frankly, having to upgrade C++ seems to me a complexity well beyond what can be suggested to an end-user. I give-up doing this, because I am not sure that a too-recent version of C++ will not make some of my older programs unable to run anymore.

To be positive however, I would like to point-out how I apparently got rid anyway of the problem for which I initially wanted to install Malwarebytes.

Initial problem: When on the Web and clicking on certain links, I never arrived to the expected site. But instead, on some Google-looking page saying "Not found", or on eMule, to name a few. That happened either with Firefox or with IE6. None of my installed security programs detected any malware, so I wanted to give Malwarebytes a try.

While I could not get Malwarebytes to run, following in the meantime the advice on a forum I downloaded and executed Norton's FixLinkopt.exe, that runs in Safe mode. Then I downloaded and executed Fixewareout.exe, that pauses the start of WinXP, and displayed the following report:



Username "utilisateur" - 30/05/2008 12:35:39 [Fixwareout edited 9/01/2007]

~~~~~ Prerun check

HKLM\SOFTWARE\~\Winlogon\ "System"="kddnd.exe"


"DhcpNameServer"="," <Value cleared.


"DhcpNameServer"="," <Value cleared.


"DhcpNameServer"="," <Value cleared.


"DhcpNameServer"="," <Value cleared.


"DhcpNameServer"="," <Value cleared.

Resolution cache DNS emptied.

System was rebooted successfully.

~~~~~ Postrun check

HKLM\SOFTWARE\~\Winlogon\ "system"=""



~~~~~ Misc files.


~~~~~ Checking for older varients.


~~~~~ Current runs (hklm hkcu "run" Keys Only)


"High Definition Audio Property Page Shortcut"="HDAShCut.exe"







"SunJavaUpdateSched"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.5.0_06\\bin\\jusched.exe"

"RemoteControl"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Home Cinema\\PowerDVD\\PDVDServ.exe\""

"QuickTime Task"="\"C:\\Program Files\\QuickTime\\qttask.exe\" -atboottime"

"vptray"="C:\\Program Files\\NavNT\\vptray.exe"

"Logitech Utility"="Logi_MwX.Exe"

"SynTPEnh"="C:\\Program Files\\Synaptics\\SynTP\\SynTPEnh.exe"

"TkBellExe"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Fichiers communs\\Real\\Update_OB\\realsched.exe\" -osboot"

"BDAgent"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Softwin\\BitDefender10\\bdagent.exe\""

"PCMService"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Home Cinema\\PowerCinema\\PCMService.exe\""




Hosts file was reset, If you use a custom hosts file please replace it...

~~~~~ End report ~~~~~



When Fixewareout started, Norton Antivirus immediately waked-up signaling kddnd.exe as a trojan and removed it.

Once both FixLinkopt and Fixewareout were executed, apparently I got rid of the unwanted redirections.

For what you see in this report, should Malwarebyte have noticed and fixed the problem?

Hope this helps.

I shall check from time to time for the release of Malwarebytes 1.15.

Thanks again,


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Folks, thanks for thinking of it. But frankly, having to upgrade C++ seems to me a complexity well beyond what can be suggested to an end-user. I give-up doing this, because I am not sure that a too-recent version of C++ will not make some of my older programs unable to run anymore.

You are not upgrading or changing anything by installing the Visual C++ libraries. They are just the special libraries that Microsoft's C++ tools use to automatically generate a user interface. Installing version 2005 would not change or hurt anything in any way, and version 2008 can be installed with 2005, and they function completely independently.

Of course, as Marcin has said, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware will soon be able to run without the need to have Microsoft Visual C++ installed, so if you just want to wait until the updated version is released, then that would work just as well.

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