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First XP system slowed to a halt. Then chkdsk recovered orphaned dlls. Now it doesn't work.

Elaine T

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Very mysterious. First symptoms were the computer would run normally, for minutes to hours (no consistency), then slow a crawl, then halt entirely. I'd have to power off and on to re-start. Task Manager showed nothing hogging any resources (CPU Time or Memory) at any point. I found some claims that malformed video files might cause this, but there was no improvement after I removed the only video files I'd downloaded in recent weeks.

This has gone on for a week. Today, I powered up, saw the machine run CHKDSK, and saw lots of messages saying "Recovering orphaned file" for what looked like a lot of Windows DLLs. Now the computer will boot, then freeze up seconds after I log in.

This is Windows XP / SP2. Computer has tens of gigabytes of free disk space, and 2 GB of RAM.

Any clues?

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Welcome ElaineT -

Run this full CHKDSK code - Cut and paste into Start > Runbox > Click OK - It will run for 30 mins after a restart (let it restart then run) and do a similar check like the one that ran earlier - Ensure all other programs are closed first -


Next insert your XP CD and run sfc /scannow (as with the code above) - If you do not have your CD try it any how -

Then post back with any results you see as it runs -

Thank You - :)

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I see you are still running XP Windows Service Pack 2 so you should install Windows Service Pack 3 that has been available for almost 2 years that contains several Critical Security updates plus performance improvements.

Go to Control Panel then Automatic Updates then select Automatic (recommended) or at least Notify me but don't automatically download or install them.

Go to Secunia Online Software Inspector then run it to see what other applications are vulnerable:


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Welcome ElaineT -

Run this full CHKDSK code - Cut and paste into Start > Runbox > Click OK - It will run for 30 mins after a restart (let it restart then run) and do a similar check like the one that ran earlier - Ensure all other programs are closed first -


Next insert your XP CD and run sfc /scannow (as with the code above) - If you do not have your CD try it any how -

Then post back with any results you see as it runs -

Thank You - :)

I executed the CHKDSK code above. After the machine rebooted, CHKDSK ran quickly, showing no errors that I could detect before the screen vanished.

Next, I executed

CMD /C ECHO Y| sfc /scannow

from the Runbox, after putting the Windows XP / SP2 CD in the CD drive. This took some time, and I left the room for dinner. When I came back, the SFC progress dialog was gone, and there were no obvious errors listed where I could see. I re-ran sfc from a command window, and again no errors were reported.

It looks like sfc is supposed to replace any damaged OS files. Should I assume that is what happened? Is there something else I should look for?


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Hi Elaine T -

There is usually no report from CHK DSK - It shows any fixes only while running -

If sfc /scannow ran without stopping then your files are as they should be -

How is the system running now ?? :) Better I hope -

Thanks for the report back - :)

EDIT - Please use the ADD REPLY Tab at the bottom of the page -

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Hi Elaine T -

There is usually no report from CHK DSK - It shows any fixes only while running -

If sfc /scannow ran without stopping then your files are as they should be -

How is the system running now ?? :D Better I hope -

Thanks for the report back - :D

EDIT - Please use the ADD REPLY Tab at the bottom of the page -

Unfortunately, no change in behavior. It runs for a random length of time (as far as I can determine), then slows dramatically, essentially halting completely within a minute or so. So I'm game for any other diagnostic ideas...

I will upgrade to SP3 once this problem is resolved.


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Hi Again Elaine T -

This is sounding more like an infection of some sort - Would you be willing for our experts to repair it (Free) for you

If so please follow the directions below and it will link you to the expert section -

We don't work on Malware removal or diagnostics in the general forums.

Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

Leave a brief note about your problems also -

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Thank You - :D

Edit - And Please use the ADD REPLY Tab at the bottom of the page when responding - Not the REPLY Tab -

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Thanks. This is the original poster's spouse, trying to fix things while he's at work. He was posting from my computer anyway (because his is so flaky) using my name. We already have Malwarebytes, and Avira, and I know he's run them, but I will follow instructions and see you over in the other forum, I guess.

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