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Mbam error expanding variables (0,9)

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Sorry, but a pure experiment does not turn out, because IE-8 in my opinion is not removed until the end. There has recently put Norton AntiBot, so he winked at me at the end of the installation and asked: "Well, we will remove Windows Defender?". But I did not install Windows Defender, Automatic Updates I have disabled. So it probably is the remnant of IE8. Restore point, I inadvertently deleted. A roll back to a bare system now can not (much to lose, you need a lot to maintain, no time).

As we see from other posts, updating IE - a special case, that's the message 88 on this page is the same setup allows Skype. Of course, you should start with something concrete. I think it makes sense analyse cause of the error MBAM ERROR MISSING FILE (3, 0, mbamswissarmy.sys) startup v1, 46 portable (why the program does not see it, because it lies here in this folder? Where it is drawn? What improvements compared with v1.44 taken in part to diagnose this error?). Perhaps the reason will be found quickly.

I hope, will convey the meaning autotranslator said.

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Sorry, but a pure experiment does not turn out, because IE-8 in my opinion is not removed until the end. There has recently put Norton AntiBot, so he winked at me at the end of the installation and asked: "Well, we will remove Windows Defender?". But I did not install Windows Defender, Automatic Updates I have disabled. So it probably is the remnant of IE8. Restore point, I inadvertently deleted. A roll back to a bare system now can not (much to lose, you need a lot to maintain, no time).

As we see from other posts, updating IE - a special case, that's the message 88 on this page is the same setup allows Skype. Of course, you should start with something concrete. I think it makes sense analyse cause of the error MBAM ERROR MISSING FILE (3, 0, mbamswissarmy.sys) startup v1, 46 portable (why the program does not see it, because it lies here in this folder? Where it is drawn? What improvements compared with v1.44 taken in part to diagnose this error?). Perhaps the reason will be found quickly.

I hope, will convey the meaning autotranslator said.

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Us attempting to diagnose problems with a portable version of our software that we did not create would be pointless. The only way for us to troubleshoot the problem is with our code, not a hacked version of our code.

We have no reason to correct an issue in an unauthorized version of our software, but if we can replicate the IE8 issue with our version of the software it might help us to correct the problem for other users. As for whether or not the portable version will be fixed by it or not, it doesn't really matter.

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i got the same problem, but i guess i know what i "did wrong". I tested MBAN on 2 netbooks with "Program Files" switched to D:\ instead of C:\. Both times i got


MBAM_ERROR_MISSING_FILE (3, 0, mbamswissarmy.sys)

Asus EeePC 901

Windows XP Home SP3

MBAM Version 1.46

AutoC2D (http://support.asus.com/download/download.aspx?model=Eee%20PC%20901/XP&os=17&SLanguage=en-en | Utilities > AutoC2D)

On other pcs everything works fine.

btw: I'd like to register here with an own account, but any email address with @web.de is blocked...

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Yes, moving your %PROGRAMFILES% location can cause such errors, not just with MBAM but with many other programs as well. Windows itself has many locations in the registry and settings that tell it as well as other programs where %PROGRAMFILES% is supposed to be, and if you move it without changing the path to D: instead of C: in every single setting and registry entry you will have problems.

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Well, i dont have any choice, cause my eeepc only has 4gb space on the system partition C:\.

Yes, moving your %PROGRAMFILES% location can cause such errors, not just with MBAM but with many other programs as well.
I installed many programs on this computer and just one (comodo firewall) did not work. anyway, i could fix the problem, when i installed the firewall on a different location. I tried the same with mbam, but i had no success here.

any chance to get mbam working?


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I'd like to register here with an own account, but any email address with @web.de is blocked...
Is this to get a commercial registration , or some other reason ??We have a world wide membership here -

Try this first on the XP notebooks ?? you mention , as your copy may have been corrupted by placing it in another area -

To Fully Remove and Reinstall a Fresh New Copy of Malwarebytes - Read Carefully

Windows XP:

  • Click on Start and select Control Panel
  • Open Add/Remove Programs
  • Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  • Restart your computer very important !
  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from Here

It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so, very important

After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from Here

Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Paid version only

Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.

Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now reset any file exclusions as may be required in your

Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications.

You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask me and I'll explain how to do it.

Note: If using a software firewall besides the built in Windows Firewall you'll need to exclude MBAM.EXE from it as well

Note: Once that's done, please make sure that if either of those programs has any sort of web filter, that you add the following as a trusted site:


Thank You - :)

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Is this to get a commercial registration , or some other reason ??
No. I want to register at this forum. The account "LeaveMeAlone" does not belong to me. But if i want to register with my web.de email address, i got following message: "The email address you used is not accepted by this board. Please select a different email address."
To Fully Remove and Reinstall a Fresh New Copy of Malwarebytes - Read Carefully

Windows XP:[...]

I did those steps exactly as you told, but i still get the same errors. I reinstalled the software many times before, so i dont think it is connected with a defect download of the installer.

when i freshly install mbam and choose just to update, i also get "MBAM_ERROR_EXPANDING_VARIABLES (0, 9)". After that, the program starts the update process. at 100% i got following error: "MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE (3,0) - Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.*"

* = The system can not find the specified path

I'm using the free version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

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Hi -

It is odd that you cannot regester yourself here if it is a real account - I used my free Yahoo account as my logon when I registered -

Try to create a Hotmail / Gmail / Yahoo mail account , and use that to create your log in with -

Your logon / Screen name can be another name (not the account name) as you do not use a xxx@web.de as a screen name -

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  • 2 weeks later...
its fixed but what happened to the bat file that was created it disappeared after clicking it

its OK that file is programed to delete itself when finished :) glad to hear your problem has been solved if you have any other questions or problems post back by starting your own thread and someone will help you

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No, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware would likely malfunction (and possibly/likely other software as well) if you delete the Start Menu folder. It depends on the operating system you're using as well, as some Windows versions won't even allow you to delete the Start Menu folder.

exile360 is 100% right the start menu folder is a protected system folder on most systems & it shouldn't be deleted

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  • 3 weeks later...
No, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware would likely malfunction (and possibly/likely other software as well) if you delete the Start Menu folder. It depends on the operating system you're using as well, as some Windows versions won't even allow you to delete the Start Menu folder.

I suspect Hawes was asking if it was okay to delete the Malware Bytes folder/shortcuts that have been added to the Start Menu, and not delete the Menu itself.

Yes Hawes, it's perfectly fine to move/delete those shortcuts.

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I'm installing Malwarebytes 1.46 from a link from www.malwarebytes.org, and am having the same errors. My experiences are exactly like those described by this guy here (just the Malwarebytes part):


The laptop is running XP SP3 after a fresh reformat a few months ago, currently in safe mode logged in as the Administrator user, and certainly infected (although safe mode seems clear).

As several people's problems were fixed by manually adding links to that Start Menu, I think the errors just refer to being unable to create files. For some that may be that their malware is preventing those files from being written, others might have hard drive problems, though I suspect most are having problems due to user access. Perhaps the 1.46 installer is accidentally trying to write the Start Menu shortcuts to a particular user, and being in Safe Mode or not having admin rights is preventing it? This would also explain why using the updater from an earlier version is successful - as presumably the updater doesn't actually create any shortcuts.

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Hi -

As we don't work on Malware removal or diagnostics in the general forums please follow these directions -

Please print out, read and follow the Directions Here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete.

Then post a NEW topic Here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post - Please allow at least 48 hours for a reply as the experts can get busy at times -

Also add a brief note to the experts as to your problems -

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org or via Here

Always use the ADD REPLY Tab at the bottom of the page when you reply -

Thank You - :D


As each computer has its own system , their problems may not be Exactly the same as yours -

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The laptop is running XP SP3 after a fresh reformat a few months ago, currently in safe mode logged in as the Administrator user, and certainly infected (although safe mode seems clear).
Safe mode is not your operating system - It is only part of the system , and if there is an infection it is there in any mode , it's just hiding in safe mode -

Sorry but as your posts are not 100% relative to the Full thread , this long thread should be closed ,

and others with problems should start their own topic now -


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I wasn't posting to ask for help, I was offering suggestions for the devs.

To help solve this problem, here's what fixed it for me:

1 - I ran the mbam-clean.exe utility (without first uninstalling) from within safe mode

2 - I manually deleted the infection

3 - I logged in to Windows XP normally

4 - I reinstalled mbam-setup-1.46.exe

I hope that helps track down the cause.

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