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Am I going overboard


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Maybe not the best place to put this, sorry about that.

My family thinks I'm going overboard on the protection on my computer..

I'm currently using Norton Internet Security....

Along with that, I'm using MBAM, Spybot (tea timer off), Ad-Aware, and HitManPro.

I use Firefox exclusively, but have locked down ActiveX in internet explorer. I also use AdBlockPlus while in Firefox.

I'm been thinking about tossing HitManPro and adding Spywareblaster, but I'm not sure how effective it is for Firefox users, or if I even need it.

The only other thing I've been thinking about is no script in Firefox, but I don't know if that's a plug-in, or a setting change!

So, opinions? Thanks in advance. That false positive last week really got me jittery.

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Hi auquarabbit,

You are not going overboard with your protection. However spywareblaster and hitman pro are completely different. Spywareblaster protects your browsers through white lists and hitman pro scans and removes. Also note spywareblaster only has cookie protection for firerfox as it's mainly best suited for internet explorer.

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I don't think you can ever go overboard with internet security.

As long as your computer, with its myriad of security programs, is able to function smoothly with performance unhindered by security and you follow basic guidelines (i.e having no more than 1 AV running background protection), than you're good. Malware is a terrible thing, and prevention is always the best policy especially if you have sensitive information on your computer.

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Thanks all.

I did add the noscript add-on to Firefox. Now it's a matter of approving sites as I get to them, and need the script for functionality. (like my bank!)

Decided to keep the hitmanpro and not add spywareblaster, since I don't use IE.

I only have Norton running in the background. I turned off the adaware live! and the tea timer on Spybot. I figured both of those could/do(?) cause problems with Norton already running.

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I've been using ABP for years. *LOVE IT* Will have to give WOT a try too.

I only have about 15 sites I go to. Norton has their "safeweb" that is a lot like WOT, but I'm guessing it wouldn't hurt to have both, eh?

Good to here. ;) It never hurts to be overprotected, as long as your computer can take it. :rolleyes: If your computer starts being slow then it might be good to remove a some things.

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I don't think you're going overboard.... I am also trying not to surf as an administrator (bad habit, so for me, it's DropMyRights or using a limited account)....

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