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VZ (Verizon) In Home Agent suppressed

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A forum search came up empty, so here goes...

I recently switched to Verizon FIOS, at which time the tech who did the switch installed something called VZ In Home Agent, which he said would be very useful for us.

When I try running this application however, a popup indicates "Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware has successfully blocked access to malicious IP: etc" . Then the Verizon In-home agent window seems to hang uselessly.

I assume I need to teach MBAM to ignore certain applications? But its not clear to me how to do this ....


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Greetings and welcome to the Malwarebytes :)

Temporarily the solution would be to right click the red Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware tray icon when it blocks the IP and then select the blocked IP to be added to the Ignore List. Then try running the Verizon application once more.

Also, to hopefully effect a more permanent solution, please provide the IP blocked when Verizon tries to connect. It will be listed in the Ignore tab of the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program interface (the scanner) once you have ignored it. With the IP I can alert the individual who handles the IP block list for Malwarebytes and have him take a look to determine if it is a false positive.

If you have any further questions or issues please post or contact support@malwarebytes.org.

Thanks :)

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