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Malwarebytes scan not completing

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Hello,i wonder if someone could help me out

Due to a lagging pc i decided to run a MB scan yesterday.However in 5 attempts since i have been unable to complete a scan.The last 3 times i am aware of,the scan stumbled to crawl at the System Volume Information folder,eventually stopping completely and turning to white screen at which point,when i press to x to exit it tells me that Mawarebytes has stopped responding.No infected files have come up during any of the scans up to the point it all stops although it does generally seem a bit more stop/start than usual,perhaps

I ran a Macafee scan in the meantime which came up clear

I've also got some strange browser behaviour at the moment.although i'm not sure if that is relevant


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Take a look at this: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...mp;#entry162098 and Section E on Mcafee, and post back and let us know if you addressed that issue.... Post some info about your pc, OS? what browser? ect... please... regards..

Edit: something to review & let us know how Malwarebytes performs after you check this out please:

Computer and browser slowness are not always malware related

Poor performance and other problems can be the result of disk fragmentation, disk errors, corrupt system files, too many startup programs, unnecessary services running, not enough RAM, dirty hardware, etc. As your system gets older it becomes filled with more files/programs and has a natural tendency to slow down so cleaning and regular maintenance is essential.

Listed below are a few things you can do to improve speed and system performance. Many of the these suggestions will apply if you're using Windows Vista but may be done a bit differently. Near the bottom of this thread there is a section specifically devoted to Vista Users.

For browser problems, see:

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Thank you for getting back to me

I'm running Windows XP on a Dell desktop,with AOL as my service provider,and Firefox as my main browser

For the past day or so several of my regular websites haven't loaded in Firefox,Opera,Chrome or IE.Many other websites however,for example Youtube,the BBC or this forum load without trouble. When i go through AOLs browser ,however all sites load normally.Strangely they also loaded when i experimented with an online proxy although i wouldn't use them for an extended period.

This is probably an AOL issue but the fact that it corresponded with my MB problem made me think it was worth mentioning in passing.

REgarding th link you provided i am a bit confused.Would i have to uninstall MB,start the process and then reinstall.Sorry if thats an obvious question.Do you think it could be a Mcafee conflict issue.

Would it be worth uninstalling and then reinstalling anyway

I forgot to say that i had successfully run a MB scan yesterday,after the browser problems started

I have just seen your edit,and i'll read your suggestions.Funnily enough i use CCleaner on a daily basis

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Section E about exclusions of Mcafee have been a problem.. You can look at all the sections and see what others are doing to have there antivirus program accept the MBAM files.

In my location, we have major floods, Internet outages due do bad weather since 5 years ago.... aside from that I can give you instructions on how to uninstall Malwarebytes - use of the clean tool, and reinstall.... AOL is an issue I never addressed, maybe someone else will add to this post. Ccleaner is a good tool.. If you want to try this:

To remove MBAM with clean tool:

1. Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware using Add/Remove programs in the control panel.

2. Restart your computer (very important).

3. Download and run this utility. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-clean.exe

4. It will ask to restart your computer (please allow it to).

5. After the computer restarts, install the latest version from here. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-download.php

Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent

Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.

Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray and run a Quick Scan.

Then post back after trying a quick scan of Malwarebytes...

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In looking back at this error. We found users with an infection. It might be a good idea to look over this:


Here's a quick explanation of the above link... just in case my HTML is off due to some power outages!

Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

Alternately, you may contact our helpdesk and someone can work through this issue with you via e-mail.

Good Luck....

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In looking back at this error. We found users with an infection. It might be a good idea to look over this:


Here's a quick explanation of the above link... just in case my HTML is off due to some power outages!

Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

Alternately, you may contact our helpdesk and someone can work through this issue with you via e-mail.

Good Luck....

How do i contact the helpdesk,thanks

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help is thru here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/contact.php But your better off going down to The Hi-Jack Forum here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7

and follow the instructions http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 here, bookmark your new topic, New post you can call: Malwarebytes scan not completing... and you can give them a brief explantion of the problem you are having. Include this thread link if you want...they have all the tools to get you fixed up... It could be the error msg. your getting is a corrupt file/driver? not for me to comment on... then every day check your post in the HiJack Forum, you will work with an expert using tools they have here for free...... regards..

EDIT: be advised they can get busy in there and they can take a day or two+ to get to you..

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help is thru here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/contact.php But your better off going down to The Hi-Jack Forum here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7

and follow the instructions http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 here, bookmark your new topic, New post you can call: Malwarebytes scan not completing... and you can give them a brief explantion of the problem you are having. Include this thread link if you want...they have all the tools to get you fixed up... It could be the error msg. your getting is a corrupt file/driver? not for me to comment on... then every day check your post in the HiJack Forum, you will work with an expert using tools they have here for free...... regards..

EDIT: be advised they can get busy in there and they can take a day or two+ to get to you..

Ok,i'll do this,thanks again

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Small update

Before i moved over to the other forum i decided to give it one more go.I defragged and then ran a quick scan.This time it ran through without a problem.To be sure i then ran a full scan but again it stopped and stalled at the System Volume Information folder

Here is the log of the quick scan

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.44

Database version: 3624

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13

24/01/2010 09:24:00

mbam-log-2010-01-24 (09-24-00).txt

Scan type: Quick Scan

Objects scanned: 121253

Time elapsed: 8 minute(s), 11 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 0

Registry Values Infected: 0

Registry Data Items Infected: 0

Folders Infected: 0

Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Should i still carry on with the other steps mentioned?

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@ Springfield -

Malwarebytes is not your problem - You may have other internal problems - If you have been able to Un/re install the program then it sounds there are infections or other operating problems - Please follow the advice to post in the HiJack Forum for a complete diagnosis of your system -

We can not diagnose without full logs and we do not diagnose logs in this section of the forum -

Thank You - B) Good Luck -

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@ Springfield -

Malwarebytes is not your problem - You may have other internal problems - If you have been able to Un/re install the program then it sounds there are infections or other operating problems - Please follow the advice to post in the HiJack Forum for a complete diagnosis of your system -

We can not diagnose without full logs and we do not diagnose logs in this section of the forum -

Thank You - B) Good Luck -

Will do,thanks

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Sorry to go on here

On the linked page it mentions disabling script blocker before running DDS.I have absolutely no idea how to do this.I run four browsers plus mCafee.Do i have to take action in all of them and in that case what do i have to do?

I really don't want to start asking stupid questions in the other forum


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Sorry to go on here

On the linked page it mentions disabling script blocker before running DDS.I have absolutely no idea how to do this.I run four browsers plus mCafee.Do i have to take action in all of them and in that case what do i have to do?

I really don't want to start asking stupid questions in the other forum


Can I recommend you go to the HiJack forum

I really don't want to start asking stupid questions in the other forum
there are no stupid questions to ask... its the unknown element thats stopping your Malwarebytes that the experts in that forum will look for. They will send you links to download tools. you will post results + logs in that forum, not this forum please.

Start here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573

If you want to see what some of the other infected users are doing then look at the posts: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7

Then start your own topic...in the link above. you will come out with a clean pc. There is not much more you can post in this forum, (General Forum) unless its a different topic. A 2nd. topic not addressed in the Hi-Jack Forum, may/may not, be related to your current one. Think about getting the current one checked out in the HiJacK Forum 1st...take care

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Can I recommend you go to the HiJack forum there are no stupid questions to ask... its the unknown element thats stopping your Malwarebytes that the experts in that forum will look for. They will send you links to download tools. you will post results + logs in that forum, not this forum please.

Start here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573

If you want to see what some of the other infected users are doing then look at the posts: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7

Then start your own topic...in the link above. you will come out with a clean pc. There is not much more you can post in this forum, (General Forum) unless its a different topic. A 2nd. topic not addressed in the Hi-Jack Forum, may/may not, be related to your current one. Think about getting the current one checked out in the HiJacK Forum 1st...take care

Once again thanks for replying

I guess i'll have to start driving them mad over there instead :D

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Your Welcome! Keep an eye + bookmark you topic check it every day or more than once if you can. After they introduce themselfs, depending on how busy they are. (it may take a day or two for them to get you "in line" so to say..) After 5 days if no replies from you I believe they close the topic... Will cya on the other forums, once you get done in the HiJack Forum.. regards,

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Hi Springfield -

You will need to re contact Cleverbridge and quote your email or other ID and it will be resent to you - You should to keep a copy of the email that was sent to you when you purchased your license or simply write down your key and ID numbers -

Thank You - :lol:

EDIT - Always keep the numbers near your computer or in your filing cabinet -

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Hi Springfield -

You will need to re contact Cleverbridge and quote your email or other ID and it will be resent to you - You should to keep a copy of the email that was sent to you when you purchased your license or simply write down your key and ID numbers -

Thank You - :lol:

EDIT - Always keep the numbers near your computer or in your filing cabinet -

Thanks for the quick reply

I wrote down both numbers but unfortunately not clearly enough so i can't tell the difference between capitals or lower case in a couple of the letters.I''ll send an e-mail off

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