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ERROR zlib::decompress failed with error code 5

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Just starting having problems with MAM v1.42 today. Here's today's log:

06:03:50 (null) MESSAGE Protection started successfully

06:04:45 George MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

08:00:11 George MESSAGE IP Protection stopped

08:15:44 (null) ERROR zlib::decompress failed with error code 5

08:15:45 (null) MESSAGE Protection stopped

11:07:11 (null) ERROR zlib::decompress failed with error code 5

11:07:12 (null) MESSAGE Protection stopped

Suggestions will be greatly appreciated - thank you in advance for your help!


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Please click on the UPDATE tab and check for a new update. Make sure you get the latest rules version: 3386

I've just updated to version 3392 and am still getting the error message 5 as well as errors 2 and 1073. Restarting the computer after malwarebytes crashes doesn't help.

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