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auto updates

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I am finding that sometimes the auto updating does not work. It starts but does not update fully. In task manager the app switches from running to not responding every few seconds. At other times, it works ok.

I am using XPsp3 and dialup internet.

What could be the problem?

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Thanks for the post.

I am using Avira and already added the exclusions for MBAM. I also have suspected that it was the slow connection which may have made it difficult for MBAM to stay connected long enough to get the complete download. As I said, sometimes it works fine. I'll just monitor it to make sure I get the updates. So, this is probably not the fault of MBAM.

Thanks again.

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Dial-Up :)

I just updated Malwarebytes and its nearly three and a half meg. Really Dial-Up cannot support the new Antivirus and Antimalware and Windows Updates (plus the rest normally going on in the background) anymore.

It's just too damn slow. Unless you are just updating Malwarebytes on its own

One way to update Malwarebytes on its own is to run Windows with Safe Mode With Networking

Accessed by pressing F8 key before Windows starts to load. At least then all the other stuff trying to update will be closed.

But make sure to always do your quick scans in Normal Mode though :)

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If you think you can remember, manually update it instead once or twice a day, Greyowl, I never had a problem doing it that way :) It was slow but it updated fine :)

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