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Google Chrome


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I D'l'd chrome to see if it was as fast and as simple as it states, also I like the fact that one tab crashing does not crash the whole browser like it does in FF, But I notice still no support for NS or WoT as yet, I use it sandboxed but I would like tools like I have for FF so if you know of anything similar that will work in chrome that would be a great help! ;)


I notice that beta has some but not the normal version hxxps://chrome.google.com/extensions any others though?

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I don't know if the beta ones work with the current version of Chrome or not but here is the WoT plugin.

You also might consider SRWare Iron instead of Chrome as it's based on the same code but doesn't suffer from the same privacy issues as Google's products do. A comparison (which is basically a list of reasons to use Iron instead of Chrome) can be found here. As far as I could determine based on info from the SRWare Iron forum, extensions for Chrome should also be compatible with Iron.

edit: It seems mountaintree beat me to the punch regarding Iron ;) . I've taught her well ;) .

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Thanks Exile and Mountaintree16, Alas the version of chrome I use does not allow for that ad on as yet so I will have to wait, I might check out IRONs forums to see whether I should DL'd it, its the tab'd browsing that I really got chrome for as sometimes FF crashes while using IRC and having to close the whole browser and losing what I was emailing or whatever in another tab is more than annoying ;)

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@ Chimpy

You're very welcome.

That's super awesome that Chrome won't crash the whole thing when just one tab crashes. I hate when I have to close out everything. One thing I try to do (but don't always) is when I am writing an email, or in this forum or whatever, to copy all of the text I am writing once in a while just in case of a crash. You could also begin typing it in a Word document or a Wordpad document, and then when finished paste it in to whatever you were going to write it into.

Thankfully, I don't usually get crashes anymore. (I got more of those on IE when I used to use it more ;))

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