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Is Search option broken?

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I tried to search for topics and each time it gives me an error: I typed in 'Windows 7' and got this error:

One or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.

How else would you type in 'Windows 7'? <_<

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  • Root Admin

That is the beauty (stupidity) of having a name like Windows 7. WINDOWS is 7 characters and is above the 4 character limit. 7 is a single character and well below the minimum of 4 required to do a search. Different software works differently with how you have to type out your search.

Please try the following as your search term: "windows+7"

It would have been much better if Microsoft had named it Win7 instead <_<

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  • Root Admin

The "Windows 7" part should actually come before the site:malwarebytes.org entry but Google is often smart enough to fix that for you automatically now days.

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