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24 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

years ago when we would get a hundred spam post a day and that was annoying trying to keep up. It sucked up all your time just doing that instead of being able to help users with their computer issues

Glad things have changed.

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5 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

 I remember back years ago when we would get a hundred spam post a day

Aah, the good old days when we could take out time, I remember them well.
Todays spambots a hundred an hour is more the mark for a spam attack, we humans working together can just about cope with that.

With my new admin-type powers at that forum I managed to stop todays attack there fairly quickly and then it was just a case of cleaning up the mess.
I resisted cleaning up and was going to leave the spam posts there for a while as a pointer to the company staff, but one of my fellow mods wasn't happy with that and cleaned them up. Which is fair enough, we each have our own viewpoints.
A month ago I wouldn't have been able to stop the attack myself like that and it would have been a real mess, and TBH stopping such an attack is not a volunteer moderators responsibility which is my issue. (The clean-up has always been part of the volunteer role).

If/when AI gets onto the spamming job then we will have little chance of keeping up.
An AI moderator/admin will be the only real way of stopping a true AI spam attack.

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  • Root Admin
1 hour ago, nukecad said:

Aah, the good old days when we could take out time, I remember them well.
Todays spambots a hundred an hour is more the mark for a spam attack, we humans working together can just about cope with that.

We are and have been been a target for many years and if you're not using Clean Talk then I would highly suggest giving it a try


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15 hours ago, nukecad said:

I managed to stop todays attack there fairly quickly and then it was just a case of cleaning up the mess.
I resisted cleaning up and was going to leave the spam posts there for a while as a pointer to the company staff, but one of my fellow mods wasn't happy with that and cleaned them up. Which is fair enough, we each have our own viewpoints.

Congrats on catching the attack quickly. I imagine the clean up was deleting the posts. Can you select them in a group, or does it have to be one by one? And maybe creating filters or something so the same ones don't get a foot hold again?

This conversation gives a ordinary user a peek behind the curtain. It reinforces that greater effort is required as time goes on to keep everything ship-shape. What I sometimes take for granted is only through unseen efforts of paid staff and volunteers. ❤️

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What you can and can't do as a moderator depends a lot on the software that the forum is running on.

We don't like to give many insights to those methods and tools because that could help spammers.

Whether all posts made by a spamner can be removed at once or not is one that can vary with the software platform, although you usuallly can. It can also depend on the method that you use to block/ban them.

Some of those methods will put their emails and IPs on blocklists on your forum, and very often on lists that get shared over the interweb.

No great secret, 'Stop Forum Spam' is one such site, just google it.

Filters can help, particularly for a quick measure in the case of a spambot attack.

It's what I used in the case mentioned above, previously I wouldn't have been able to set such a filter as a mod on that forum, that would have needed admin permissions

Sorry if I seem to be being cagey, but I'm sure that you appreciate why we don't usually discuss these things in public view.

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My conditioning class spent 30 minutes outside running up a hill. My task was to walk backward up that hill. Woooo. Like the kettle bell, looks easy, but it's not. Made 10-12 steps, grasped, rested. Repeat. Definitely sent the heart rate where I wanted it to go.

Walking early provides great benefits! I never thought I'd be a fan but this has changed my entire outlook.



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1 hour ago, NewTricks said:

OK, I rescind all questions. No problem, I didn't expect details, I just wondered.

Not a problem, curiostity is good. (Unless you are a cat 🙀).

And TBH 'professional' spammers know a lot of it anyway, but will still try their luck in the hope of landing on a forum that doesn't have good filters and/or good moderators in place.

But we don't want to help newbie and amateur spammers to make our moderating tasks harder.

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1 hour ago, NewTricks said:

My conditioning class spent 30 minutes outside running up a hill. My task was to walk backward up that hill.

Sounds like another trip hazard to me.

Does your trainer/coach have some grudge against you?

Edited by nukecad
reworded, UK english vs USA english.
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1 hour ago, nukecad said:

Does your trainer/coach have some grudge against you?

No, just the opposite. He didn't think I could walk/run up that hill. I could have. He often adapts exercises for me personally to make it easier. He keeps an eagle eye on me throughout our time, and we have developed some simple hand signals to quickly give an assessment.

I wasn't expecting such rigorous engagement. Six years ago, I took a beginning PE class and it was a combo between movement, lectures and assignments. This is 98% movement.

Today was my first experiment to see how I'd do with walking a couple miles at 6:30 AM then going to class 3 hours later. It was exhausting. Yet, the reward will be tomorrow's scale numbers. I've lost 30 pounds since April.


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I will not rant. I will not rant. I will not rant.

The ASUS Chromebook updated and without selection, permission or approval, GEMINI was PINNED to the TASKBAR!!!!!!!!!

Google sent me Gemini promo email last week, I deleted it. Spotify rolled out their "DJ" version two weeks ago. You can't delete, disable or divest. I found a way to "hide" it, but it's still there. 

Feels like the Borg. 

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I just came across this on Amazon and thought- now where have I seen something like that before?

You too can smell of snail slime. 🤣 

(Does it even smell of anything? I think it's supposed to have healing properties though there again so did snake-oil).

Looks like it's humane too. (Or should that be molluscmane?).


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I did have to look up "Mucin" to make sure that it wasn't just a made-up advertising word.

Not a word that I had come across before, but I'm sure that it will (maybe) come in handy for crosswords and other word games.

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