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Hi, my nickname is of course, Zaphod.

I've allready posted in a few places around here, but as a courtesy, I thought I would open this thread to give space to anyone who wishes to ask me questions.

My first computer, other than a 2600VCS with a BASIC cartridge, was a Timex/Sinclair 1000 in early 1983. About a year later, about the time the membrane keyboard cracked through, I got myself an Atari 800XL and the world changed for me. Then, in 1986 I got my XM301 modem and I've been online ever since.

My current effort is in developing a GNU/GPL V2 php program designed to wrap about any php website, forum, blog, or what-have-not with a layer of hack, injection, and anti-spam protection. Where it is running now, it seems to do well, but I am always looking for more beta testers. (I am only at version 0.4.5)

The reason I originally came to this forum, is that I hang out on other forums loyal to Malwarebytes, and when the latest nastiness broke out, it was time to "Rally 'Round the Flag". Though I am no fanboy of Malwarebytes, I do greatly respect their software, and it's ability to remove nasties like FakeXPA (at a time when no one else could, it was a godsend for some).

Keep up the good work MB, as long as you steer your current course, I will send the lost your way.

Zap :)

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Hi Zaphod and a big welcome (if you have not had one already) - :)

Always a pleasure to have another voice added to our forum - Please feel free to use the services and post your opinions (whithin reason :) )

If you feel you can add to any subject (that you are allowed) please do so - Hijack This forums are about the only ones you can't post answers to , but feel free to ask and reply in questions anywhere else -

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