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Summer 2024


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Is the ridiculously sized wing on the back so that you can push it when it breaks down?

Makes it look like a toy with a bar for the parent to push their child along.

About half that height would look more sensible.
(and probably actually work better for road speeds rather than the track).

Just my opinion.

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OMG. I will NOT make a separate topic about Social Security.  🤣  But here's what I've done.

Used Firefox, Chrome and Edge, at home and elsewhere

Cleared cookies, cache

Disabled all extensions


Changed my password.

Read r/Social Security

Used 2 different authentication methods

Tried about 20 times during the last 3 days, 13 today.

Called twice, but never got connected to a rep.

If I can get into the site, I can print off letters, which are used to qualify for programs. I needed one today, then remembered I downloaded something last week. So used that. But the future looms large and uncertain. Downdetector showed several PAGES of sites which meant something hit the fan this morning. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe the electromagnetic fields will shift.


No one can accuse me to giving up. And look at all the neat stuff I was able to think of to overcome the problem. Not bad at all.


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In 2017 when I first got my cochlear implant, that was the year the cicadas were out in full force. They remain dormant for 7 years. There was a tree right outside my window and I could NOT believe the racket. For 2 weeks they "did their wing-rubbing thing."

I survived, barely.

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According to some sources California is the place where most tree nuts are grown and cultivated. There are 4 official "State Nuts." The almond, pecan, pistachio and walnuts are state symbols.

I took a chance on these Crazy Go Nuts, expecting an overwhelming orange flavor. Not so, very mild and quite nice. Since 1 ounce  "costs" my usual treadmill time, I have .3 oz instead. Yes, I weigh!

Take away lesson: "sometimes you feel like a nut..."



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