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VPN 403 error

Go to solution Solved by Porthos,

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Hello!  I have an odd VPN issue.  Previously, I have been able to log on to websites (movoto.com in this example) but  now am encountering a 403 error.  The message says that the website doesn't accept travel from European users.  However, my VPN is set to a US  city.   Can anyone share insight?  

Pic of error message below.

VPN issue June 17 2024.jpg

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Re the site working without VPN, it did yesterday.   Re the "try another US city" - will do but the message says that the site blocks traffic from European cities.  I am not using a European city unless LA has become one. :)

WIll try without VPN shortly after some programs I am working on are closed.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin
2 hours ago, SM1961 said:

Tried Houston. That didn't work.  But Phoenix did.  Very odd that these cities are showing up as European. 

That is on purpose and part of the reason for using VPN is you don't want people or companies to truly know where you're coming from.

That too unfortunately can have issues when sites are basing your location on what they charge you or what currency is provided or in some cases even the language as it's trying to automate and serve you best.


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