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I doubt Dell

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I purchased a new Dell computer running Windows 11 Pro and after installing some programs I ran AdwCleaner. To my surprise the result shows 14 suspected Dell files as shown in the scan results. I suppose this is a false positive but I wish someone confirm my assertion.


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Those are optional removals of the normal Dell preinstalled utilities. Personally, I uninstall them from apps and features on every Dell I setup for my clients along with the free trial of McAfee.

This is not a "malware removal issue. I have moved your post to the general pc help section.

Edited by Porthos
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  • Root Admin

Personally I would not have AdwCleaner do the removal if you do want to remove them. I'd manually do the removals.

Some customers want and use the tools. They do make it much easier to update the BIOS / UEFI if  you're not accustomed to doing that on your own.


See the instructions in this post about how to run AdwCleaner and not allow it to remove the pre installed software.

Scan with AdwCleaner


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