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Malwarebytes Update gave me problems.


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I had problems similar to what happened when I previously  updated to upgrade and multiple restarts. - Malwarebytes 5 for Windows Pre-Release - Malwarebytes Forums.

This morning I was running Belarc Advisor on my Desktop "A" and noticed it was reporting MWB at Sure enough when I opened MWB I found that it had indeed updated.

Tried to update my Win11_Laptop but it just wouldn't update. Tried several times, even restarting the Laptop to see if that helped. No joy. I powered up my Desktop "C" which is running Win 10 Pro. It also wouldn't update even after several attempts and a restart. Gave up on that and powered it off.

Later I tried again on my laptop  but still no joy. Left it powered up while I did some other things. When I next checked it had updated!!!

Went back to Desktop "C" and powered it back on. Malwarebytes wasn't showing in the System Tray. When I tried to run the App, I got the following error.  Closed MWB , did a Restart but the result was the same . Ran the tool for the logs. Uploading them as they are below the upload limit---the Laptop are above it so will have to do that later---other things need doing! Will probably try a clean on "C" and reinstall MWB.

All machines have Beta updates enabled.




Screenshot 2023-10-14 124507.png


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I have  Desktop "B" running Win 11 and currently has been running MWB 4 Beta.  Did a Clean with the tool and then installed  Set the Beta enable switch and tried an update. It updated to with one hitch.

Also did a Clean on Desktop "C" and then installed  Tried the update and it updated after two hitches. Now on

The hitch I was seeing was this. Just retrying the update allowed the update to complete.





Edited by RTL434
Correct punctuation.
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@Scottmh  I was on my Win11 Laptop and checked MWB for updates.    First of all it updated the Update Package Version. A subsequent check brought down CU 1.0.1051. I thought this might be the expected update you mentioned. So I powered up my Desktop "C". It downloaded this:-


So I went back to the laptop and got that update now. Powered up the other two desktops and they downloaded  Did take several update checks though. Kept saying they were "Up to Date" before it brought it down.

Anyway all four now have the update.

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