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Decryted .Xollam?

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Hello @Rathaphum  and  :welcome:


We can't do anything about decrypting your files. Unless you have backups you are out of luck.

You might want to register and post over here, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/f/239/ransomware-help-tech-support/

More info in this topic: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/782961/xollam-ransomeware/


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  • Root Admin

Hello @Rathaphum

As @MKDB said. Not much anyone can probably do about getting your data back.


Sign up for a forum account on BleepingComputer and follow the directions from these topics.

Ransomware Help & Tech Support

How to Post a Topic Asking for Help With Ransomware

ID Ransomware - Identify What Ransomware Encrypted Your Files


Thank you

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