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A first, in more ways than one. Brought pieces to my apartment to see better with daylight vs. fluorescent. 👍 The high quality reproduction is a plus. Counted tiles: 144 whole, 24 partial. (I always feel better knowing numbers) Next up, turquoise. It reminds me of my "craft" and the many minute differences between glass bead colors and finishes. It's all about detail and magnification.

BORG 3rd of 5.jpg

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Had a change of heart. Maybe the BORG did assimilate me. As I sorted the turquoise, I kept having the same thought....Life is too short for this.

I am choosing to stop and put my energies into FUN puzzles. In a last minute shipping surprise,  I'm receiving PAINTING PUPPIES tomorrow.

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My puppy puzzle arrived with a nice surprise; a separate insert magnified 150-200% . A very good helper and one that was missing from the Kitchen Capers, because it was used. I find these sections below amusing. Seems like silliness makes the day go better.

Completely changing my strategy now. Slowing down the first sort to include edges, eyes, noses and paws. This helps to become familiar with everything at the start and not discover sections later.



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Admiration for the Queen of Dissectology who finished these this month, and we are only now on the 17th day. What impresses me most is the black background on the horses. She is very skilled with vast areas of the same color, whereas I refuse to do that now.



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99% go back in the box, or are given away assembled with backing. It's about the process, not the outcome. I did save and mount the Avian Friends by scoring foamcore and using hot glue. I thought about how it could be accomplished for 10 days, then went ahead and did it. I'm my Father's daughter.

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I inherited two reminders; a turquoise corded Makita power drill and a Jaeger Le Coultre luxury watch. The watch was a gift that he treated like any other "tool" ~ to be used. The crystal was cracked, watchband paint stained and generally beat up. I had it repaired and wear it frequently. Our wrists are the same size.


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While downstairs retrieving my latest Amazon parcel, I stopped by to see the Dissectology Queen, who was right in her element. She likes it best when she can rule the room alone. I complimented her on the Title Puzzle completion and we discussed our individual difficulties with it. When I told her I'd posted the complete puzzle along with the name I'd chosen for her, it was the first time I've seen her grin, complete with crinkling wrinkles around the eyes. 

She immediately wanted to show me a new word she discovered: ultracrepidarian. I couldn't wait to look it up. Sounds like it might get a lot of use in 2024, if not before. 

I was able to live without Amazon Prime for 19 days; then I succumbed. 


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Language has been a life long interest, starting from writing a "book" in a closet when I was in grade school. It was my private space to dream up story lines and characters; it started off with twin boys. I might place an occasional (obscure) word or two, just because it happened in this topic.

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Follow up to Post ID:1583148  updated image there.

Two vertical "anchors" with dripping paint-one pink,  one blue. 

Building up from the bottom and right corner.

The most noticeable thing about this puzzle is spatial confusion. A lot of placements are several rows away from where I would expect them to be.

I've already decided this is going into a communal puzzle closet. Could this be the end? Maybe not forever, but at present, the thrill is gone.

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