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False Positive Report "Malware.AI.1094075843"


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Hello, I'm a software developer responsible for maintaining a GitHub open-source project that is somewhat relevant. The project primarily utilizes Python and includes compiled executable file releases designed for non-technical users. Unfortunately, the latest upcoming version of one of the components in my open-source project has been flagged as potentially harmful.

The purpose of the submitted file is to ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions of my software. In the past (prior to version 0.3.5), the "updater.exe" was a separate executable. However, in the current version, the updater functionality has been integrated into the main program called "Fansly Downloader.exe." This integration allows users of the previous 0.3.5 version to properly update to the new version of the program. As a result, this upcoming release, version 0.4, will be the final release to include the separated "updater.exe." Due to this reason, the source code for the updater is not visible in the main repository, but it will still be included in the latest release, version 0.4. The only task performed by this file is to initiate the main program with the startup arguments "--update 0.4," which signals the program to initialize its own update process. This update process is handled within a specific section of Python code: https://github.com/Avnsx/fansly-downloader/blob/1a144ea3f87ee0b4cbb6f7465b01616143d13811/fansly_downloader.py#L67-L96

Here's a link to the submitted file's source code: https://github.com/Avnsx/test-repository/blob/main/updater.py

Here's a link to my open-source project: https://github.com/Avnsx/fansly-downloader

Here's a link to a Analysis with VirusTotal utilising your anti-virus program, which confirms the invalid detection: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/a1bcde28788c59f10cfcd2abb483e359e731f28f85f33e48b82226fcef792e6e/detection

Filename: "updater.exe"
Detection: "Malware.AI.1094075843"

Compiled with:
PyInstaller: 5.12.0
Python: 3.8.10
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0

Kind Regards
Mika C.

Notice: The spam filter "CleanTalk" is in my opinion a very bad idea and it took me like 20 additional minutes to post this here. Please re-think this forum design.


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1 hour ago, AvnDev said:

The spam filter "CleanTalk" is in my opinion a very bad idea and it took me like 20 additional minutes to post this here. Please re-think this forum design.

You do not know the spam flood we had the other night when it was loosened up.

All we need is a file, a log if possible, and the VT report to fix a FP.

As for the log, I am providing one for staff.


File: 1
Malware.AI.1094075843, C:\MALWARE TEST NO WD\UPDATER\UPDATER.EXE, No Action By User, 1000000, 1094075843, 1.0.70733, 56DCC1219B295680413645C3, dds, 02336525, A01CD5A4E0D7B8F90D6A4BDC10E61DA1, A1BCDE28788C59F10CFCD2ABB483E359E731F28F85F33E48B82226FCEF792E6E

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Well then atleast; if you guys have access to how it outputs the error information, make it say what exactly was the issue for why you can't post your post onto the forum.

It kept saying something about re-wording my text, because it would contain spam related words. That was so missleading, the actual issue was that I am generally a person that just uses VPN for everything, and it seems like the VPNs IP I was attempting to use at the time of posting the thread was blacklisted for spamming or something ...


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3 minutes ago, AvnDev said:

the actual issue was that I am generally a person that just uses VPN for everything, and it seems like the VPNs IP I was attempting to use at the time of posting the thread was blacklisted for spamming or something ...

That makes sense, The majority of spammers use a VPN and a privacy based email only mail address.

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