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PC Matic False Positive DLL Detection


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I am attaching the log our customer sent us.  It looks like it has to do with your whitelist signatures.  The info in question starts around line 5286:

01/12/23 " 08:31:29.731" 147855796 1560 2114 INFO CleanControllerImpl mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::PredetectWLCache::FindEntry "predetectwlcache.cpp" 341 "Removing modified entry: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PCPitstop\Super Shield\SuperShieldProcessHooker32.exe'"
01/12/23 " 08:31:29.731" 147855796 1560 2114 INFO CleanControllerImpl mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::SystemProtectedWhiteLister::IsFileWhiteListed "systemprotectedwhitelister.cpp" 126 "Checking limited system protected white listing for 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PCPitstop\Super Shield\SuperShieldProcessHooker32.exe'"
01/12/23 " 08:31:29.731" 147855796 1560 2114 INFO CleanControllerImpl mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::PredetectSignatureWhiteLister::IsObjectWhiteListedEx "predetectsignaturewhitelister.cpp" 101 "'PC Matic, Inc' not found in whitesigs"




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The user finally got back with us and said he is using a different version and that the instructions you provided don't work.  His version is Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent (1. 2. 0. 1022).  I am attaching a log that may be what you are looking for.  Otherwise, I'll need more direction on how to get the correct logs.




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