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Malwarebytes blocked language hotkey

Go to solution Solved by Porthos,

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One day after a fresh install of Windows. I get a windows notification about language switching hotkeys. I am not interested in this feature myself and was going to disable it, whatever it was, and it said to hit customize within the notification to do so. When I did, that was when malwarebytes detected it as an exploit and shut it down.

I also noticed that in windows security "Potentially unwanted app blocking" disabled itself around the same time that malwarebytes made this detection. I noticed it after I was checking the exploit protection advanced settings (Block penetration testing attacks).

Around this time i was also browsing for information about firewalls in firefox.

Here are the domains I browsed through for this






could one of these websites have made this attack? Or was it a false positive?

I also have browserguard installed and have run a threat scan as well as an adwcleaner scan.

malware exploit agent generic detection 9 19 22.txt

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4 hours ago, RL0000 said:

Sorry to add yet again to this, i was reading through, saw a few mistakes, and realized i couldn't edit. The block penetration testing setting was off. I did hit "reset to default" in that settings window before i noticed the windows security setting.

You need to uncheck the following setting in advanced exploit protection.


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Exact same thing happened to me. But I can't reliablly reproduce the "customization" notification to pop up. Have you found a way to make it pop consistently? After a full format and 3 hrs of usage it popped randomly again. I wonder what kind of algorythms are in place that it gets triggered? It does not even get triggered when I use the shortcuts. It seems random. But in what respect?


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