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Hello guys, so recently I had an issue where I was calling Amazon for customer support and I would get static and then the call would just end. I tried three times and every time same thing. The reason I’m worried is because last week or so I accidentally clicked a link that i think might have been malicious. So now I’m worried that I might have some virus on my pc but malwarebytes doesn’t have an option to malware scan, so I don’t know what to do 

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14 minutes ago, ahsan98 said:

So now I’m worried that I might have some virus on my pc but malwarebytes doesn’t have an option to malware scan, so I don’t know what to do 

You posted in the iphone support section but mention PC. What device do you suspect to be infected.

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Your experience with Amazon is certainly not unique. Happens to most everyone when cell service is overwhelmed or just weak for some reason.

iOS malware is extremely rare and AppleStore rules do not permit the type of scanning and remediation necessary for any application to do a proper job of detecting it. Infected iOS devices are almost always the result of jailbreaking your phone or being hacked by a Nation State should you be a target.

See this staff answer to a similar question: 



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13 minutes ago, ahsan98 said:

Oh so have you also had a similar experience calling Amazon call center?

Not Amazon, just a random call for a variety of reasons. 

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Ok I see, alright I’ll continue using it with the assumption everything is good, hypothetically though, let’s say the issue continues and I want to take the extra precaution, if I was to do a factory reset wiping out all data, that would get rid of any hypothetical virus on the iPhone correct? 

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I suppose so, but would not be able to guarantee the results. Rather a drastic measure and time consuming to set it up again. If it were mine I would take it to Apple for examination before doing so.

But back to your original statement, I am not aware of any instance where simply visiting a site with an iPhone browser would result in any type of "drive-by" infection. Was it a download link or just sent you to a web site?

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Well the link was from a text message, I was expecting a text from a friend but I got a random text and I just opened it thinking it was my friends message, the website didn’t seem to open anything weird, seemed like the page just failed to load. But then later I had the static issue and my phone has been just acting strange


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