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Potential False Positive?


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I returned home and my system finished an Automated Malwarebytes scan.
It listed a couple Visual Studio files as potential Trojan.Crypt (not good). The only thing is, I haven't been browsing anything.
I have a protocol to follow, but may you please verify/validate if these are false positives?

Thank you.
I have also attached a copy of the malwarebytes scan in .txt format, and a compressed format of the potential false positives.

scan2022_02-02.rar MBAMscan.txt

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1 minute ago, emptyramenbx said:

I returned home and my system finished an Automated Malwarebytes scan.
It listed a couple Visual Studio files as potential Trojan.Crypt (not good). The only thing is, I haven't been browsing anything.
I have a protocol to follow, but may you please verify/validate if these are false positives?

Thank you.
I have also attached a copy of the malwarebytes scan in .txt format, and a compressed format of the potential false positives.

scan2022_02-02.rar 53.73 MB · 0 downloads MBAMscan.txt 2.04 kB · 0 downloads

These were False positives that were fixed several hours ago.

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