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Slow browser

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Hello   :welcome:

My name is Maurice.  I will guide you.

Which web browser is this ?  Please be specific.

What version of Windows is this ?

Have you deleted the CACHE files on the browser?

Why do you suspect the situation to be a malware ?

Have you run your antivirus program to scan the system ?   What is the result ?

Does the pc have Malwarebytes for Windows ?  if so, what is the scan result ?

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You indicate your pc runs on Windows 10.  You should use EDGE browser as a work-around if Opera persists in being slow.  A slow browser does not equate to jumping to assumption of a malware being onboard.  For the latter, one needs a scan tool to actually find it & report it.

What is the installed / resident antivirus on this box?   Have you done a antivirus scan today ??

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I would encourage 1 Quick scan & 1 Custom scan of the C drive using MS Defender.

That way you can see the bottom line end results on screen as to whether today & now there are actual "current threats".

This is one way to do a manual scan using the Microsoft Defender antivirus, as well as to visually check protection status.

From the Start menu, select Settings, then select Update and Security.

Next, look at the left-side menu & select Windows Security



Next, In Windows Security section: Click on the grey button Open Windows Security


Now, click on the shield Virus and threat protection

By the way, when you see a green check-mark on your display, it means a good status and that protection is on.



On the next display, look at all the options.  Look down the list and see "Check for Updates" which I have highlighted with a blue icon.

You can click on that to have the system check for updates for Windows Defender.

Please also note that the Scan options (all) can be displayed by clicking on Scan options. ( You can do Quick, Full, or Custom).

NOTE: If you have the time / opportunity, select a Custom scan & scan the C drive   ( one time as a safety check ).



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Hello. Thank you. Be sure you let me know about the browser issue.

In order to begin to help you properly, I will need a diagnostic report in order to review & diagnose.
Specifically the FRST Farbar diagnostic report.  It is safe to get & use.

Attach FRST.txt + Addition.txt with your reply.  You may if you wish, ZIP the 2 into a zip file & then attach.
{ just please do not copy, paste their contents in main body of reply box here.)

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Thank you for the Farbar FRST reports. I did find indications of malware infection. What follows is in the nature of housekeeping using a custom fix script.

[ 1  ]

Please  set File Explorer to SHOW ALL folders, all files, including Hidden ones.  Use OPTION ONE or TWO of this article


[  2  ]

We will use FRST64.exe  on the Downloads\FRST-OlderVersion    folder to run a custom script.    The system will be rebooted after the script has run.

This custom script is for  Slowpomegranate  only / for this machine only.

This custom script has some specific things, plus some general aspect to help the system overall. This run hopefully will be under one hour run-time.

NOTE-1:  This script will  run a scan using System File Checker to check that all Microsoft operating system files are valid and not corrupt and attempt to correct any invalid files.  It will also run the Windows  DISM to check the system integruty. 

NOTE-2:  It will remove 1 scheduled task Opera scheduled assistant Autoupdate  (this is one of the 2 that exist)

It will remove 1 odd "Application Restart #2" auto start of chrome. It will remove 1 auto start of Opera Browser Assistant..

It will remove a whole slew of firewall rules for very obsolete, very old Opera versions 72.0 to 78.0. 

NOTE-3: As part of this fix all temporary files will be removed. If you have any open web pages that have not been bookmarked please make sure you bookmark them now as all open applications will be automatically closed. 

The following directories are emptied:

  • Windows Temp
  • Users Temp folders
  • Edge, IE, FF, Chrome,  and Opera caches, HTML5 storages, Cookies and History
  • Recently opened files cache
  • Flash Player cache
  • Java cache
  • Steam HTML cache
  • Explorer thumbnail and icon cache
  • Recycle Bin

Important: items are permanently deleted. They are not moved to quarantine. If you have any questions or concerns please ask before running this fix.

Please be sure to Close any open work files, documents,  any apps you started yourself  before starting this.

If there are any CD / DVD / or USB-flash-thumb or USB-storage drives attached,  please disconnect any of those.

Please save the (attached file named) FIXLIST.txt   to the   Downloads\FRST-OlderVersion  folder   


Start the Windows Explorer and then, to the  Downloads\FRST-OlderVersion  folder

RIGHT click on  FRST64.exe    and select RUN as Administrator and allow it to proceed.  Reply YES when prompted to allow to run.
  to run the tool. If the tool warns you the version is outdated, please download and run the updated version.
IF Windows prompts you about running this, select YES to allow it to proceed.

IF you get a block message from Windows about this tool......
click line More info information on that screen
and click button Run anyway on next screen.

on the FRST window:
Click the Fix button just once, and wait.



PLEASE have lots and lots of patience when this starts. You will see a green progress bar start. Lots of patience. 
If you receive a message that a reboot is required, please make sure you allow it to restart normally.
The tool will complete its run after restart.
When finished, the tool will make a log ( Fixlog.txt) in the same location from where it was run.

Please attach the FIXLOG.txt with your next reply later, at your next opportunity   

Please know this will do a Windows Restart.   Just let it run and finish.   I will look forward to getting the log.

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Kindly do be aware that "slow-ness" might be due to factors other than a malware infection.

If you have a confirmed report by a trusted tool of a actual infection, do provide a copy of that.

As to laggy computers, there are several areas that you can look into.
Here are a few links to handy articles


  • See Miekiemoes blog article on slow computer situation


  • also, at Bleepingcomputer



Let's do one scan with Malwarebytes Adwcleaner to check for adwares. Just before pressing that "scan" button, be sure that Chrome & Edge, or other web browser are Closed.

It will not take much time,

First download & save it



Then be sure to close all web browsers.

Then go to where the EXE file is saved. Start Adwcleaner.  Then do a scan with Adwcleaner


Attach the clean log.

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One more thing.  Uninstall one very old, obsolete Java.

1. Press & hold  the Windows key on keyboard & then tap the R key   to open the Run box-window.
2. Type


and tap Enter.
The Programs and Features window will appear.   Locate on the list "Java 8  Update 51".

Do a right-click on it.  Then choose Uninstall.   Let it proceed.

Exit Programs and Features, when done.

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Tips to help protect from infection



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