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almost like xhelper issue

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I have an issue with a virus/malware on the phone.


After Wiping the Cache and doing a factory reset the pest keeps reinstalling apps whenever there was an active internet connection.


Scanned the phone with Avast, MalwareFox, Kaspersky and Malwarebytes and nothing was found.



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Duplicate post at Bleeping computer. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/764546/almost-like-xhelper/

Posting to multiple forums

There have been several occasions where we have found people seeking help here, who are also asking for help at other forums.

  • You should only seek help at one forum.
  • If you have multi-posted, we ask that you select one forum from those where you sought help and ask the others to close your topics.

Although we understand you wish your problems to be addressed as soon as possible, there are reasons why multi-posting causes problems.


  • By Multi Posting you are utilizing the time of two (or more) trained helpers.

    Helpers take a long time to train. They need a great deal of expertise and knowledge to be able to safely remove Malware from your computer and because of this are in short supply. We wish to use them to help the maximum number of people, and if they are researching the log of someone who is already being helped, then their time and effort is going to waste.

    Understandably this causes a certain amount of bad feeling.
    • From the helper who has needlessly spent time researching your log and compiling and posting instructions.
    • From others who have to wait longer for their problems to be addressed.


  • Advice from two separate helpers can cause problems.

    Different helpers may use different methods to combat your infection. Whilst each in isolation is safe, that may not be so if you follow the advice of both together. Some of the tools we use are very powerful and have to be used in a specific way and in some cases do not combine well with others. By using advice from two different sources, it is possible that tools may be used that do not combine well and you may severely damage your computer, even rendering it inoperable in some circumstances.


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Hi @nachobear,

If you could send me an Apps Report, I can look further into the issue.

To send an Apps Report with Malwarebytes for Android use the following instructions.

  1. Open the Malwarebytes for Android app.
  2. Tap the Menu icon.
  3. Tap Your apps.
  4. Tap three lines icon in upper right corner.
  5. Tap Send to support

Choose an email app to send Apps Report.

Your email app will open with the Apps Report included.

At this point, it would be very helpful to mention you are submitting via recommendation from the Malwarebytes forum.  This allows our support staff to know where to direct it.

By sending the Apps Report, you will create a ticket in our support system.

Private Message (PM) me the email used and/or the ticket number assigned.

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