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Trojan or not


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Hello i am currently running thd premium trial edition of MWB which has thrown up a trojan alert on a file sharing site, and blocked it.

Ive used this site for years, and my desktop is as clean as a whistle.

Is this alert false in respect of the fact it is detecting fike sharing rather than a trojan  and what do yiou suggest I do. Thanks. 

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27 minutes ago, ne5 said:

Hello i am currently running thd premium trial edition of MWB which has thrown up a trojan alert on a file sharing site, and blocked it.

Ive used this site for years, and my desktop is as clean as a whistle.

Is this alert false in respect of the fact it is detecting fike sharing rather than a trojan  and what do yiou suggest I do. Thanks. 

Hello, please tell us specifically what was blocked so we can check it, either the domain, IP or both.

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these were the first time it happened, which was a couple of months ago, I actually tried it again last night, but it froze then freed itself and I got the image like the 3rd one. The IP hasn't always been the same, and I downloaded a couple of things after it started working and my desktop is still as clean as a whistle afterwards. I have a few more photos, I don't know if the IP number was the same last night, but it was inbound and outbound the same as photo number 3




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As for why Malwarebytes blocked Soulseek, this is because Soulseek, and all Bittorrent software, are what are known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications meaning it connects to many different servers/IP addresses (this is how files are downloaded through Soulseek) and because of this, sometimes Soulseek will connect to a server that is also known for hosting malicious content.  This is because servers/IP addresses are often shared by multiple sites, so while what you are downloading through Soulseek may be perfectly safe, some of the sites hosted on some of the IP addresses that Soulseek connects to may be malicious.  Such connections are not a threat however, and you may exclude Soulseek from the Web Protection component in Malwarebytes to stop the blocks from happening without compromising your protection (your web browser and other critical web facing programs will still be fully protected from malicious websites and other malicious content).  To do so, add SoulseekQt.exe to your exclusions using the method described under the Exclude an Application that Connects to the Internet section of this support article.

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that is EXACTLY what I was told on a general tech forum elsewhere, and why I decided to uninstall SK and try again. 

I don't use it much tbh, but it has been useful now and again, not everything you want is available commercially, similar to  watching you tube I suppose. 

On a different note, if I go ahead and subscribe to the full version of MWB, can you use paypal to pay, or something ?

And very, very many thanks for this advice and help. All the best and regards. 

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