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Update Problem

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No, this appears to be a bug... 2905 is the latest database version and you should get a message saying so. Unfortunately, I'm getting the same message and it is downloading the database version again. I will direct a developer to this thread.


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I was just about to post problem this but I see I am not alone. I had even tried reinstalling because I talked to 2 other people that DID get 2906 with no problem so I thought the goliotch was on MY end but I still get the loop with 2905.

I'm sure they will get it quickly. :D

edit: Just tried it again and it is still looping with 2905.

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Got the official word from a staff member. It's not a problem with the database, rather it's a problem with the download server. It was recommended to advise updating again in 5 mins or so.

Thanks again Kajisight.

Thanks for the update. Will try again a little later.

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In regards to the PM I just got?, If you get an error loop? Run this: http://customer.llnw.com/traceput.cgi?host...p;ticket=752033

download it to your desktop, run the program, it will do a tracerIP with you & malwarebytes, should correct the prob. faster. Thx. to 1 of the experts long ago..

thought I posted it above.

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