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BSOD from Mwac.sys

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Thank you for reporting this issue.  It appears the new build of Malwarebytes was updated to, and that would have replaced mwac.sys during the install of the new version.  If you had an experimental build of mwac.sys from LiquidTension, it is likely that whatever fix it included has not yet been integrated into any released version of Malwarebytes.  Hopefully he can provide the file again to eliminate the crashes.  In the meantime, you could theoretically use System Restore to roll back the system to a time before the new build of Malwarebytes is installed, especially if Windows created an automatic restore point during the update to the new build, and that would replace the current driver with the one you had from LiquidTension previously.

If that is not helpful, LiquidTension should be along at some point to respond here and assist you further.  I hope the issue is quickly resolved for you.

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By the way, if you do decide to roll back to the previous version, you should disable the first two options listed under the General tab in Malwarebytes' settings to prevent the more recent build from downloading/installing or prompting you to do so.  To access settings, click the small gear icon in the upper right area of the main Malwarebytes UI.

I hope this helps.

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