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We're happy to say that Malwarebytes for Mac 4.5 has been fully released. However, since this has some pretty major under-the-hood changes, we're taking the release slowly and are monitoring for issues. Even though it's now technically out of beta, please do continue to test and let us know if you find any issues.

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I checked for updates and Malwarebytes updated to version 4.5.14. Very smooth update. I do like the new Malwarebytes icon in the Dock. Looking good, nice work Malwarebytes Staff. 👍

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macOS 10.15.6 (19G2021)
Malwarebytes 4.5.14

About every day MWB crashes, gives me the don't enter icon under the MWB icon on the menu bar, and upon opening gives me the "Oops! Something went wrong." splash screen.  this requires restart, reinstall, and more trouble than it's worth.



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3 hours ago, streiber said:

macOS 10.15.6 (19G2021)
Malwarebytes 4.5.14

About every day MWB crashes, gives me the don't enter icon under the MWB icon on the menu bar, and upon opening gives me the "Oops! Something went wrong." splash screen.  this requires restart, reinstall, and more trouble than it's worth.



We're tracking a small number of people seeing the same thing, all with macOS 10.15.6, but we're not yet sure what the cause is. Would you be able to send your crash logs? You'll find them in the /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ folder, and they will be titled "RTProtectionDaemon[...].crash". Select all of them, then go to the File menu and choose "Compress X items" (where X is the number of files). It'll create a file in the same folder named Archive.zip.

Once you've got the Archive.zip file, send me a private message with that file attached.

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