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Lag and Stuttering

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There are a number of people who report Malwarebytes causing an issue when using qBittorrent on their subreddit. This post here has someone stating Malwarebytes was causing a huge amount of disk activity which was causing the lagging and stuttering. I came across that Reddit post and as soon as I uninstalled your MWB, my stuttering and I/O errors went away.

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This is a known issue with the Web Protection component in Malwarebytes.  For the time being until the issue has been resolved you will need to either keep Web Protection disabled, or revert to an older version of Malwarebytes until a fix is released.  Please refer to this topic for further details, including instructions on how to revert to an older version if that is the option you choose.  I would also advise installing Malwarebytes Browser Guard if you haven't already as that will protect your browser while Web Protection is disabled and it also augments protection with Web Protection enabled so you may continue using it even after the issue with Web Protection has been resolved.

I hope this helps and if there is anything else we might help with please let us know.


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