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uninstalling comodo internet security


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@ Steven


I'll just leave it for now :)

I just uninstalled the Java, and now my USB drive is not being recognized, and access is denied. I did hit block on one thing on the firewall, so I took out the usb (after safely removing hardware) and tried again, same thing happened, but I didn't get a firewall request this time.

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Some things to try:

Right click on what appears to be the primary exe file (biggest) in the Comodo folder. Look at who it says the creator was. Comodo may have picked it up from someone else and rebranded it. Then look in the registry for that name. Also look in the start up list for executable file names that you find in the Comodo folder.

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@ calintexas

Thank you :) I'll try poking around and seeing that, anyway, but unfortunately its too late now to actually try and uninstall the program and install the other things I wanted to try.

I'll be able to get back to this in a week, more likely two. :/

Edit: I didn't have a chance to do this, but I'll look next time when I bring the installer with me.

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You can take Autoruns with you as well, and if need be I can tell you which entries to delete to get rid of Comodo completely if you end up needing to do it manually :) :

Please download Sysinternals Autoruns from here.

  • Save Autoruns.exe to your desktop and double-click it to run it.
  • Once it starts, please press the Esc key on your keyboard.
  • Now that scanning is stopped, click on the Options button at the top of the program and select Verify Code Signatures
  • Once that's done press the F5 key on your keyboard, this will start the scan again, this time let it finish.
  • When it's finished, please click on the File button at the top of the program and select Save and save the Autoruns.arn file to your desktop and close Autoruns.
  • Now right-click on the Autoruns.arn file located on your desktop and highlight Sent To and select Compressed (zipped) Folder
  • Please attach the Autoruns.zip file you just created to your next post.

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