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Request for website removal from blacklist


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Hi there

I have a client whose website was recently added to Norton Safe Web blacklist and Mcafee's blacklist. I have resolved all the infected files (as far as I can see). I have contacted both Norton and Mcafee to see if they can scan site and remove it from their blacklists.

When some visitors go to the site on Windows and Malwarebytes running, they are presented with a SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error.

Can you check why this is still happening? I would appreciate if you could either give me the steps to resolve this, or if possible, for you to remove the website from your blacklist?

Thank you!


Site: surfacestudio.co.za

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On 1/13/2020 at 6:22 AM, Eben said:

Excellent, thank you very much!

Is there a page where I can see when the next database update will be pushed out?

No, but there is a page to know if your site is blocked at the last (current) database


at top right there is a box where you can write your domain to find if it is blocked and why

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