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  • 3 weeks later...
36 minutes ago, Newtona said:

have a number of profiles as shown in the attached screen shot. is OK to remove these?

It’s essential that you remove them. You will not be able to change your homepage until you do. It’s unusual for any ordinary user to have any profiles installed. They are usually used in an enterprise environment where the IT department needs to control certain aspects of your computer’s use. Also used by macOS beta testers and a few other reasons. 

The sheer number of identical profiles installed indicate that you have been installing the same malware multiple times. If Malwarebytes found any infections you should probably attempt to figure out where they came from and avoid repeating whatever actions caused that. The most common situation is reacting to a notice when visiting a web site to update Adobe Flash Player by downloading a malicious installer. You should never comply with any such notice, especially if you never installed Flash Player to begin with, and if you do have it installed, only update it from System Preferences->Flash.

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