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Does Malwarebytes have the ability to scan a USB key (aka pen drive) on insertion. I have a clean laptop, but, my USB Key, so I found out, has 200 Malware on it, that I was not aware of. I only use this from site-to-site and will have picked these up from clients. For the future, I wondered whether a quick scan on insertion was possible?

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The way the protection in Malwarebytes works is through execution, so if any threat on your thumb drive tried to launch to attempt to infect the system Malwarebytes should detect it and stop it before it is able to infect the system and quarantine it.  That said, any drive can be scanned that is attached to the system by right-clicking on the drive letter and selecting Scan with Malwarebytes but Malwarebytes does not currently do so automatically whenever a new drive is attached to a system.

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Let me tell you the story...

I work at Level 3 server technician, and I am quite fastidious with trying to ensure we have no problems in my company. We have Mimecast, Meraki (advance license with AV & Malware protection) and Trend AV. A company informed me that I was passing Malware. I checked my laptop with Trend, and tried your free program...nothing! Strange, until I thought about my USB Key, with 200 Malware on it, which I only use for clients. It had somehow passed to my key, and why I was asking whether your program supported USB on insertion. If it had, then you would now have another customer. I can scan the USB at any time with Trend AV, BUT, USB on insertion would be a good selling point for you!

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