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Date format

John A

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You're welcome :)

Yes, I'm not sure why they do that, except it could be that (I think at least) Windows sets the language locally for each user profile, and since Malwarebytes installs in admin mode for/across all accounts and runs with (I believe) a single instance of the service/UI across all accounts, they are probably playing it safe and going with the system default rather than the current user's setting; either that, or they are simply defaulting it to English assuming that anyone who wants a different language may simply select it during or after installation; plus of course Windows is available in some languages that Malwarebytes has not yet been translated into I'm sure, and Malwarebytes may support some languages not available for Windows so that's another potential reason (I haven't verified it, I just know it is possible since Malwarebytes is hand translated by volunteers, at least last I checked).

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Hi @John A,

The date format is based on the display language of Malwarebytes. As the current public Malwarebytes 4 beta does not have translation files for other languages fully integrated yet, the display language is defaulted to English (hence the date format used is MM/DD/YYYY). Note that if you perform a clean install with the current public beta, you are not presented with an option to select the display language during installation.

In the full release, both the installer and UI will have all translations integrated. During installation, the default Malwarebytes display language will be based on the Windows display language.

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