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Licence key Blacklist from Web

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Unless I am mistaken, I believe he meant that due to the large number of users seemingly impacted by this issue, it appears that someone (a pirate/illegitimate seller etc.) must have gotten into some sort of database where all of these customers' keys were being stored for so many to suddenly be blacklisted, however this is actually not the case.  Most of the time when this issue occurs it is simply due to a sync issue with the licensing server and sometimes requires a manual flush/reset by the Support team to get it fixed.  The sync issue itself is a product of the recent improvements to the Malwarebytes licensing system and it's really just growing pains while all of the keys/licenses/accounts get converted over/imported to the new system and fully synced up.  At least that is my opinion based on my observations and what we have seen/heard from the staff so far about these issues and the recent updates to the licensing system over the past couple of Malwarebytes 3 releases.

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