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Another domclickext.xyz threat

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Running up to date Malwarebytes 3.2.1 and Windows 10, 64bit

Cleared the Chrome data.

Followed the instructions for the FRST.exe and the Farbar recovery tool.

Log text files attached.

Still getting the domclickext.xys popup, below. Notice that the IP address changes each time it appears.

Thanks for any assistance.



FRST.txt Addition.txt AdwCleaner[C00].txt

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Hi @GHassel

I will be helping you on this thread.

Please stick with this thread;  with me.

This pc has Malwarebytes version , a very old version.

The current release of Malwarebytes for Windows is

That is the version I would like to see on this box.

Here is how.


Please prepare by first closing any open work; saving any work in progress. Close them so you can have better view.

Ideally, if possible, do a Windows Restart. Then proceed.


the Malwarebytes installer is at the link below


Please use this link

download and save the setup file . It will automatically download. Just SAVE first.

1.    Double-click mb3-setup-consumer- to start the Malwarebytes for Windows setup.
2.    Follow the installation instructions to complete setup.


Watch all of the process. Have lots of patience.
Let me know how it goes. When setup has completed, my suggestion is always to do a Windows Restart.

Please let me know how this goes.

We will do more later.


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Just checking up - did you finish the new Malwarebytes for Windows install?

Please advise.

Also, how is the situation now as far as website block notice events?


For Your Information:

The website  Block message indicates that a potential risk was blocked by the malicious website protection. 

The Malwarebytes web protection, by default, will always show each IP block occurrence. The block notice is a courtesy one.  The block by the website protection means your pc is protected.

The Malwarebytes Webs protection feature will advise customers when a known or suspected malicious IP is attempted to be reached (outgoing) or is trying access your PC.


See our info page https://www.malwarebytes.com/lp/ip-blocking/?ipblock=true


Incoming block notice can be ignored, our software is blocking the threat and there is nothing more that can be done.

On Outbound blocks, any attempted connection was stopped.


No action is required unless you’re also experiencing malware symptoms or there are multiple (different) IPs (ex;123.23.34 and 4.44.56).

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