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Malwarebytes Browser Extension for Firefox has been disabled in my Firefox


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It's a problem with Firefox and digital signatures of extensions, you will find that all or most of your extensions are currently not working.

If you check for extension updates FF will report that all your extensions are unsigned.

For more information see this:

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I've got my ad-ons and extensions back using a fix released by mozilla, it uses the 'studies' option.

Got to- Options >Privacy and Security

Enable- 'Allow Firefox to install and run studies'.
(Restart Firefox).
After a few minutes your extensions should appear and you can disable studies again if you want to.

Otherwise it's a case of waiting until they release a fix in the normal channel.

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27 minutes ago, nukecad said:

I've got my ad-ons and extensions back using a fix released by mozilla, it uses the 'studies' option.

Got to- Options >Privacy and Security

Enable- 'Allow Firefox to install and run studies'.
(Restart Firefox).
After a few minutes your extensions should appear and you can disable studies again if you want to.

Otherwise it's a case of waiting until they release a fix in the normal channel.

MBE add-on started working again immediately after enabling Studies and restarting Firefox. Thank you.:)

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This will add the hotfix without enabling studies, so it should work with FF clones that don't have 'studies'. It's signed by mozilla so should be OK.


Edited by nukecad
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