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Quarantine Malware Automatically

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I've looked on the Forum and on the Malwarebytes Help and I can't find the answer to this:

Malwarebytes Premium, in Settings / Options: "Quarantine Malware Automatically". I have that setting disabled. I want to see the malware that Malwarebytes hits on before it goes into Quarantine. 

Will this setting (disabled) let me see the malware caught during a Scan and Real-Time before putting it into Quarantine and do I have the option of not putting it into Quarantine? (if it's a False Positive)

 Am I still Fully Covered with this setting disabled?


Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 4.30.35 PM.png

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Be aware that that setting only controls the behavior for that scheduled scan. There is not currently any corresponding setting for the Malware Protection (which is what was called Real-Time Protection in versions of Malwarebytes for Mac older than 3.7), so if you never want anything to be quarantined by default, you'd need to turn that feature off.

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