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Go Back Button


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This is how "Go back" is implemented in the extension: 

What does "Go back" do?

- Go back takes user back to the last safe page they were at, functionality depends on one of the below cases. 

Case I: User visits a URL that extension determines is malicious in nature, user will get a block page and "Go back" won't do anything. 

Case II: User visits a safe URL and clicks a link that extension determines malicious or a clickbait, user will get a Clickbait warning or a block page with "Go back" button, Click go back will take user back to the safe URL. 

please let me know if this helps


Edited by rakeshsejwal
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That makes sense, thanks for the details Rakesh :)

@Popeye does that coincide with the behavior you're seeing, or is the button doing nothing when navigating to a blocked page from a safe page as in Rakesh's description of Case II above?  If it's like Case I then it's not a bug and is the expected behavior, but if it is like Case II but the button still does nothing then it likely is a bug.

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