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HitmanPro alerts "Windows.Internal.Management.SecureAssessment.dll"

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Hi, I did a scan with HitmanPro and it reports "Windows.Internal.Management.SecureAssessment.dll" as suspicious. Isn't that a critical system file? Maybe the location path is not the usual therefore suspicious? What is this and what should I do with this file: ignore, quarantaine or remove? Thanks in advance for all help.

Here's the report on that file:

Name    Windows.Internal.Management.SecureAssessment.dll
Location    C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\171b4b4b47c0fa36dfade5c7e9c9f351\Package_for_RollupFix~~amd64~~17134.472.1.0\amd64_microsoft-windows-m..ent-platforminterop_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17134.471_none_fe289ebc5f869b73
Size    138 KB
Time    0.1 days ago (2018-12-22 11:38:58)
Entropy    6.1
Product    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Publisher    Microsoft Corporation
Description    Windows Internal Runtime Secure Assessment DLL
Version    10.0.17134.471
Copyright    © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LanguageID    1033
SHA-256    8EE652670D3D8B61124E14E20BBF418CF7B65BD8C5F97B120A642CED460A4132

Scoring (22.0)
The file is completely hidden from view and most antivirus products. It may belong to a rootkit.
Time indicates that the file appeared recently on this computer.

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Hello, Welcome to Malwarebytes.
I'm nasdaq and will be helping you.

If you can please print this topic it will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps in the order listed.

This looks like a false positive.

Navigate to this page.

False positive issue section.

Please scan one more time with HitmanPro. When the scan is complete, click Save log in the bottom left corner. Please email us this log file with a short explanation at support@hitmanpro.com

Hope that helps.

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4 hours ago, Zeuses said:


I too just ran Hitman Pro Alert and got the same. It indicated suspicious , but a trace. I ran Malabytes and  it came up negative, Notron was run and it  was a negative.So is it safe to  conclude that this is a false detection. Mucho grateful for any  insights



@Zesuses Is a Windows Update in process (KB4483234)? When you want to restart your PC, can you only do "restart and update" or did you already complete the update and does HitmanPro still show the message when you run a scan with it? Let me know here. Thanks.

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Zeuses you are not authorized to reply to someone else topic.

Your advice may be good but will not stop the false positive from Hitman Pro.



To be sure the file should be sent to Hitman Pro so that they can update their program.

It's he only way you can find out if the file was corrupted or not.

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21 hours ago, Zeuses said:

No , I already  had previously updated. Im not dispensing advice, Im just trying to establish whether or not the file detection in question is  an actual threat or just a  false positive.

Warm Regards,


Zeuses, could you also make a scan log and send it to support@hitmanpro, give them some info on what happened. 

Make sure to also ask them for a reply asap and if you get a reply post it here. Could you do that? Would help alot. Thanks.



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